David Whitmer experiences miraculous events at his farm allowing him to expedite his efforts to travel to Harmony to bring Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to his parent's home in Fayette (see Accounts).
Joseph and Oliver move with David Whitmer from Harmony to Fayette, Seneca County, New York, to the home of Peter Whitmer (David's father).
Joseph and Oliver recommence translation the day after their arrival in Fayette. The translation was finished in the upstairs room of Peter Whitmer's home by July 1. Some of the Whitmers (John Whitmer especially) help as scribes during this period.
The copyright for the Book of Mormon is secured at the office of the Federal District Court Clerk, Richard R. Lansing. The application contains the title page of the Book of Mormon. This demonstrates that before this date Mormon's entire abridgment (Mosiah-Mormon 7) and Moroni's additions (Mormon 8-9, Ether, & Moroni) have been translated, including the title page inscribed by Moroni.
Joseph receives Doctrine and Covenants 14, 15, and 16 around this time on behalf of David Whitmer, John Whitmer, and Peter Whitmer, Jr. (see Background to D&C 14, 15, 16).
Doctrine and Covenants 17 was received around this time (see Background to D&C 17).
The Three Witnesses see the plates (see Accounts). A few days later in Palmyra-Manchester, New York, near the Smith log home, the Eight Witnesses see and handle the plates (see Accounts). Lucy Mack Smith says that she, at one point, feels and handles the plates (see Accounts).
Peter, James, and John restore the Apostleship and the Keys of the Kingdom to Joseph and Oliver. Doctrine and Covenants 18 is subsequently received for Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer (see Background to D&C 18). D&C 18 is most certainly received before June 14, as is clear from a letter from Oliver Cowdery to Hyrum Smith (see Oliver's Letter).
The Church of Christ is organized at the Peter Whitmer Sr. home. D&C 21 is received here on this occasion (see Background to D&C 21).
Oliver Cowdery preaches the first public sermon, after which several individuals present themselves for baptism.
First conference of the Church held. The Holy Ghost is poured out in miraculous ways upon many of those attending (see Account).
Hyrum Smith takes convert Parley P. Pratt to meet Joseph and Oliver; Oliver baptises Parley in Seneca Lake the following day.
A third conference of the Church is held in which further knowledge is given by revelation concerning the building up of Zion and the gathering to Ohio (see Background to D&C 37-38).
Many other faithful saints follow Joseph and gather to Ohio from surrounding areas (see Accounts).