/ Histories / Norton Jacob
Autobiography (1804-1847)
Typescript, HBLL
Photo Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
I was born the 11th day of August 1804, in the town of Sheffield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and the son of Udney and Elizabeth Jacob [sic] the grandson of Richard and Elizabeth Jacob–the grandson of Richard and Thankful Jacob and the great great grandson of Joseph.
Jacob: He was born about the year 1693 and died 1790. Age 97 years. We suppose he was born in England or Wales. Richard, his only son, was born about the year 1720 near Boston, Massachusetts. Died in the year 1809. Age 88 years. His wife was Thankful Kellogg. Richard, second son of his father Richard Jacob, was born July 24th, 1760; was drowned in March 1796. Age 36 years 8 months. His wife was Elizabeth Kellogg, the daughter of Elisha Kellogg. She was born in Berkshire County, Massachusetts in the year 1758, and died 1826. Age 68 years.
Stephen Jacob the elder brother of grandfather Richard, removed to Windsor, Vermont where he died. He had a son Richard who died when young.
Israel Jacob, also a brother to grandfather Richard, had a large family by two wives. By the first he had three sons, Sherman, Richard and Francis.
Mary Jacob the eldest sister of Richard was born in Sheffield and married to Jonathan Curtis in Sheffield, where she died. She had three sons, Abijah, Joseph and Josiah, who are all dead. They had six sisters, Amanda, Thankful, Orra, Sabra, Pamela, and Adelia. Amanda married Isaac Rice in Sheffield. Keziah Jacob also a sister of Richard was born in Sheffield and married there to Captain Aaron Trowbridge. Had one son, Richard June Trowbridge, one daughter Polly.
Thankful Jacob also a sister of Richard Jacob was born in Sheffield and married there to Benjamin Franklin Holms; she had two sons, Richard and William. One daughter Elizabeth who was my nurse. Her husband’s name is Winis (he lives near Hudson, New York, 1829). Udney H. Jacob, eldest son of Richard Jacob Jun. Was born April 24th, 1781, in Sheffield and was married there to Elizabeth Hubbard, daughter of Prosper Hubbard. She was born in Middletown in Conneticut August 24, 1781. She had three brothers Comfort (dead), Prosper (dead) and Josiah (dead). Two sisters Martha (dead) and Huldah (dead). Martha married Winslow Bierce, had one son Sydney. NOTE: Udney Hay Jacob received his middle name in honor of Colonel Udney Hay, a revolutionary officer and companion of his father.
Orson Jacob, brother of Udney, was born in Sheffield, 1785 and was burned to death when two years of age.
Stephen Jacob also brother to Udney, was born in Hampton, Washington County, New York, 1789. Died in Newburg. Age about 33 years. Had one son Richard.
Elisha Pelham Jacob youngest brother of Udney, was born 1793 in Saratoga County, New York, town of Halfmoon, and Urula Jacob, eldest sister of Udney, was born in Sheffield, December 2nd and 1782; married in Saratoga County, New York to Daniel McLeland. Had three or four sons. Richard, William, and (Urula is dead).
Thankful Jacob, sister of Udney, was born in Hampton, Washington County, New York, 1787, and was married to David Conklin in Saratoga County, New York. Had several sons. John (dead)________.
Eliza Jacob, sister of Udney, was born 1791 in Half Moon, Saratoga County, New York; was married there to Samuel Luckrey, died in the city of New York. Jason Kellogg Jacob, second son of Udney was born in Sheffield, August 24, 1806. Married in Hancock County, Illinois 1840 to Sarah Thompson (daughter of David Thompson) had three sons; Orson, Milton, Richford.
Prosper Hubbard Jacob, son of Udney, was born in Sheffield October 31, 1808 and married in________ Chautauque County, New York to Hannah Curtis (dead).
Stephen Jacob, son of Udney, was born in Resselaer County, New York. July 30, 1811 and married in Busti to Minerva Ostrander, had two sons and three daughters, Abram, Marvin, Elisha and Margaret, Mary, and Amy.
Elisha P. Jacob, son of Udney, was born in Seipio, Caguga County, New York, May 8th, 1813. Eliza Ann Jacob, daughter of Udney was born in Chendngo County, New York, May 20th 1816; married in Busti, 1838 to Merrils Andrus, son of Asahel Andrus, had three sons Charles, Udney and Asahel. Mary Jane Jacob, daughter of Udney, was born in Hartford, Dearbon County, Iowa. December 2, 1822; married to Milton hamilton in Pilot-Grove, Hancock County, Illinois, August 1839, had one daughter Loisis Ann, one son Jason Addm.
I am the eldest son of Udney Hay Jacob, married in Busti, November 20th, 1830 to Emily Heaton. Had five sons and three daughters. The eldest son Benjamin, was born January 1833 and died of small pox when two days old. Oliver Barr Jacob, born january 5th, 1834 in Jamestown, Chautaugue County, New York. Died August 14, 1848, near Independence Rock, Sweetwater. Lucian Heaton Jacob, born February 22, 1836 near Warsaw, hancock County, Illinois.
Ira Norton Jacob was born Pilot Grove, Hancock County, Illinois, October 16th, 1840.
Joseph Jacob was born in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, May 20th, 1845, was named after the prophet Joseph Smith.
Elsie Pamelia Jacob was born in Busti, Chautaugue County, New York, May 13, 1831; married in Nauvoo to Jesse Snyder, May 17, 1846. Elizabeth Jane Jacob was born in Pilot-Grove Hancock County, April 8, 1838, and died same place August 24, 1839, buried on the ridge east of my house.
Emma Jacob was born in Nauvoo, November 16, 1842 and died October 27, 1844. Buried on the ridge north of my house.
Emily Amelia Jacob was born in the land of the Pottawattamie nation, near Council Bluff, on ______ August 12, 1847 while I was out with the pioneers on the day after I started from the camp of Israel in Salt Lake Valley to return home.
Mary Eliza Jacob was born in North Canyon Ward, Salt Lake Valley, December 25, 1849.
Isaac Jacob was born in the 17th Ward, Salt Lake City, June 24, 1852.
Norton Kellogg Jacob was born April 2, 1860 in Spanish Fork City, Utah County, Utah Territory.
Frank Graham Jacob was born May 7, 1862, Mound City, Provo Valley, Wasatch County, Utah.
Sidney Osborne Jacob born March 22, 1865 in Mound City, Wasatch County, Utah.
Benjamin Alonzo Jacob born June 18, 1868 in American Fork, Utah County, Utah.
I was first led to investigate the principles and doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the summer of 1840 by reading a little pamphlet which I think was entitled “A Review of LeRoy Sunderland’s Review of Mormonism Unveiled,” by Parley P. Pratt.
In this work there was some important prophesies which appeared to me to be related to those found in the Bible which led me into a new field of inquiry, for I fully believed the prophets and that whatever the Lord had spoken by them would be fulfilled in his own due time.
During the fall and winter following, I heard some of the elders preach, and obtained the Voice of Warning by Parley P. Pratt, which I read with much interest and on the 15th of March, 1841 I was baptized by Elder Zenos Gurley at Lahart. My father, mother, brothers and sisters opposed me violently, and my father said he had rather heard I was dead than that I was a Mormon. I found it was no place for me where I then lived which was at Pilot-Grove, Hancock County, Illinois. I had heard much of the sufferings and persecutions of the Saints in Missouri and a kindred spirit with theirs soon let me to gather up with them to Nauvoo, their new city, the founding of which I had watched with much interest. Owning a small farm with my brother Stephen I sold out my half to him for $250.00 to be paid in five equal annual installments in produce delivered in the city of Nauvoo. I now prepared to move my family there. I built me a house on the prairie seven miles from the city and moved into it in the fall of ’41. I here gathered together materials to build in the city and the first of November 1842 I removed my family to the city of the Saints.
I have said that I had watched it form its foundation. By this I mean that I had closely observed the course and proceedings of the principal men, but especially the prophet Joseph and all tended to strengthen my faith. I was present at the laying of the cornerstone of the [Nauvoo] temple. A most beautiful day. Was the 6th day of April 1841.
There was a splendid military parade and review of the Nauvoo Legion under the command of the Lieutenant General Joseph Smith; there was also present in command Brigadier Don Carlos Smith, a noble looking young man who not long after fell a prey to the power of the destroyer. J. [John] C. Bennett held command as Major General on that day and after he had formed the troops in treble lines around the consecrated spot, all the general and field officers gathered in within the place marked out for the walls. Not much had been excavated then except about the corners where trenches had been sunk to the depth of the intended basement and filed with rough walls so as to receive the cornerstones which were cut and hereon. `Twas now about mid-day and a countless multitude thronged around the Marshaled lines, filed with much wonder and curiosity to know what all this would amount to. Many strange murmurs ran through the waving throng to see the prophet, the master spirit of the glittering scene, mount a scaffold at the south-east corner in full military costume, accompanied by many of his fellow officers and friends; aye and some pretended friends too. T. C. Sharp was there, many were detailed from the ranks to hold within the walls the loose horses and among the rest I held that of T. C. Sharp’s while he with other visitors took his seat beside the prophet. A mean hypocritical human. I believe he here imbibed that spirit of rancor which since has been so freely manifested against the Saints for he envied that majesty and magnanimity which he had not the honesty and courage to emulate.
After a lecture delivered by Sidney Rigdon, the south-east cornerstone was laid by Joseph as first president of the Church. The multitude now dispersed and Joseph and his fellow officers and friends retired for refreshments. In the afternoon the other three corners were laid in due form. The south-west by the “Twelve” as traveling high council abroad; the northwest by the Bishop Knight as president of the lesser priesthood, and I believe the northeast by the building committee.
At this conference I was ordained into the Elder’s Quorum. My wife’s father, Elias Heaton who had lived in my family for several years, died at my house the 10th day of September, 1842. He was a very friendly, well meaning man but rather skeptical, being destitute of faith he could not be a Mormon. I was baptized for him in the Salt Lake Temple, I. N. Jacob. We buried him in the city of the Saints where we hope through our assistance he will come forth in the resurrection.
My wife, like her father, was naturally skeptical but by means of the instruction she received by living with the Saints and hearing the prophet preach, was induced to be baptized in July 1843 in the city of Nauvoo and about the same time our daughter Elsie, and oldest son Oliver were baptized.
At the spring conference, 1844, Brother Joseph directed that all the elders of Israel should go into the vineyard. He had previously been nominated for President of the United States and part of the business of the elders would be to set forth his claims to the people. I took a mission to the state of Michigan and on the 14th day of May I started in company with Elders Charles Rich, David Fulmer and Moses Smith in a two-horse carriage.
Tuesday: Norton Jacob’s journal from May 14. Traveled 45 miles and stopped at Center Grove with Mr. Hannah. On the 15th went to Mammouth, eight miles; a little beyond was caught in a rainstorm. As we were wet with the rain we went but four miles farther and stopped with Mr. Ames.
The 16th. It rained till nearly noon when we passed on through Galesburg to Walnut Creek, 28 miles and stopped with Mr. Leeh. 17th we passed through Providence, 27 miles Indian Town and three miles beyond stopped with an Abolitionist. 18th we passed through Princeton, three miles journey, seven miles to J. Weekson’s Troy Grove, 18 miles Mrs. Weeksom is sister of Brother Rich and belongs to the Church, in the evening Brother Fulmer lectured on politics and I preceded him by reading Joseph’s “views” and making some remarks the people appeared well satisfied with. On the 19th, Sunday, we passed on to Ottowa where we expected to find the brethren assembled in conference, but when we got to old father Langer we found that he thought Mormonism so unpopular, although a Saint, that he had sent the conference away up to Newark, a distance of 20 miles on Fox River, so away we went in the rain after taking some refreshments and arrived just as conference was breaking up.
Here were two of the “Twelve” Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith. We stopped at Brother Manchester’s with them. On the 20th we still remained here. There was a heavy frost in the morning and in the evening we had a political lecture. I first read the “views” when brethren Fulmer and Smith followed. Brother Smith made some ironical remarks on the government which gave offense to a poet Smith who raised quite a row but by the power of God it was soon quieted. 21st. We traveled to Jolie, a distance of 30 miles. Stayed at Sister Denisons. In the evening Brethren Woodruff and Fulmer lectured on politics. On the 22 we parted with Brethren Smith and Woodruff and went to a Mr. Hews, three miles. On the 23rd passed through Lockport to Thorn Grove, 30 miles. Stayed with Brother Duel. 24th to Indiana ________ thirty-three miles. Stopped with Sister Dewy, a widow.
On the 25th passed through Valpariso, Laport to I. Cuningham’s, eight miles on Rolling Prairie. Cuningham is a brother of Sister Dewy. We remained here over Sunday, and on the 26th Elders Fulmer and Rich preached at old Mr. Caswell’s, a Universalist. On 27th passed through South Bend, 23 miles Mishwaka, four miles Elkhart 12 miles to Tibbet’s Tavern, two miles to sign “Live and Let Live,” a good hearted sort of a man.
Passed on to Comstock, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. On the first of June attended a conference at Brother Ezekiel Lee’s. By this conference Moses Smith and myself were sent to Branch County, to preach and lecture on favor of General Joseph Smith for President of the United States. Here I commenced my first preaching of the gospel of the new and everlasting covenant. We continued to labor here until the first of July when we attended a state convention at Jackson for the purpose of nominating Presidential Electors. We met many of the brethren from different parts of the state. Brother Charles C. Rich presided. We met on the 5th in the courthouse but a few of the citizens attended.
A report had just reached us that our beloved prophet Joseph and Patriarch Hyrum Smith were murdered in Carthage Jail, but we did not believe the story and proceeded to nominate our electors. Moses Smith returned to Branch County and I up to Oakland County, to exchange our heavy two horses for one horse buggy. I returned through Jackson to ______ where I met with Brother Zebedee Coltrin at the house of Brother ________ where I tarried several days. On the 15th we held a conference here, when we received a letter from Brother Charles C. Rich in Indiana on his way home to Nauvoo, which fully confirmed the report of the death of the prophets. Brother Harvey Green presided at this conference. I now returned to Branch County, where my wife’s mother lived, also her sister Lucretia. Wife of Ebenezer Mudge. The old lady listened with considerable interest while the others turned a deaf ear to the gospel. I found Moses completely discomforted by the news of the prophet’s death and he could preach very little afterwards till another catastrophe happened [to] him, which I will relate in due time, while I felt to proclaim with loud voice to priest and people that the blood of the Prophets they had slain should most assuredly be visited upon this generation.
We continued laboring till about the first of August when we met with Brother H. Green, Crandal Dunn and some eight or ten other elders and held a conference in Florence, St. Joseph County. While here the famous James J. Strang and Aaron Smith, brother to Moses, came along with their revelation to gather the Saints and build up Voree in Wisconsin. It being a letter purporting to be written by Brother Joseph Smith and mailed in Nauvoo just before his death. The letter carried upon its face the marks of a base forgery, being written throughout in printed characters. The postmark was black while that issued from the office was uniformly red. But above all the contents of the thing was altogether bombastic, unlike the work of God, and dishonorable to the name of Joseph Smith whose signature it bore in a hand he never wrote, but named Moses and Aaron as colleagues with Strang which completely unshipped Moses and he was never good for anything afterwards. The thing no doubt was framed by Aaron Smith and James Strang. The conference directed them to go immediately to Nauvoo, where was the proper authority to decide upon their pretensions, but Aaron absolutely refused and so they passed on east seeking proselytes.
On the 12th of this month we met again in conference in Gilead, Branch County, where I baptized Pamela, the wife of Esquire Freeman. This was the first person that I had ever baptized. Shortly after this there were some seven or eight added to the Church in this place. I now started in company with Moses Smith for Nauvoo, bearing a copy of Strang’s revelation. I arrived at home the 24th day of August and found my family well except the youngest, whose name was Emma.
August 24th. I arrived at home in company with Moses Smith and the next day met in council with the Twelve when the folly of the Strang revelation was fully made manifest and Moses warned to follow the council of the Twelve or he would be sure to fall, which has since been verified, for he went off into the woods with Emit, and his property and family are all scattered from him.
On October 6th, conference assembled in the grove east of the temple when Brother Brigham Young was fully established by a unanimous vote of the whole congregation as President of the whole Church. At this conference I was ordained into the tenth quorum of Seventies. On the 27th of October, my youngest daughter Emma died of Black Canker.
Towards the close of January 1845 I commenced work on the [Nauvoo] temple as a steady hand. During the spring and summer I worked constantly, being foreman of all the framing of the roof and tower. On the 24th of May about six o’clock p.m. the cap stone was laid on the south east corner. On the 16th of August I finished framing the tower and on the 18th commenced the Nauvoo house. On the 23rd they finished raising the dome of the tower and all hands partook of a feast of melons in the attic story. The first of September there began to be rumors of the mob meeting in several parts of the country of Hancock, and on the 10th day of September they commenced burning house and grain in the south Morley settlement in the south part of the county. They continued their devastations through the week and on Tuesday the 16th the military was called together. As I had command of the fifth company of artillery I met with the regiment in the Masonic Hall when it was reorganized, and afterward I reorganized my company having George P. Stiles first Lieutenant, M. Lerrine second, William Burton third, and Charles Dalton, ensign.
We just received intelligence of the death of one notorious mobber by the hands of the sherrif’s posse. The name of the one killed was Franklin B. Worrel. On the 17th the Legion was called out. When I attended at the head of my company, on the 18th I was called by Brother Brigham to work on the temple and left my company in command of G. P. Stiles, first Lieutenant. A detachment of cavalry was sent out on the evening of the 16th and on the 17th about 2 o’clock p.m. fell in with some of the house burners on Bear Creek. They immediately fled but were pursued by our men and two of the mob were shot dead and one wounded. Our men were acting as a posse under immediate command of the Sherrif. On the same day another detachment was sent out under Colonel [Markham] and the next day another strong detachment went under the Sherrif and General Miller. On Saturday the 20th the mobbers having all fled across the Mississippi, our troops entered Warsaw in triumph. Sunday Brother Brigham preached very encouraging to the Saints.
A signal staff being erected on top of the tower, it was arranged that a white flag should be a signal for assembling the troops. This evening the signal was hoisted about sunset. When we were collected it was found to be a false alarm. A horseman having come in from Carthage stating that a mob was in sight which proved to be a delegation sent from McDonah and Shyler Company, to inquire into our difficulties. Fifty horseman however, went to Carthage under Colonel Markham and on the 22nd a detachment was sent to ________ and another to Lahart to prevent any outbreak in the east part of the county. On Wednesday the 24th, forty horsemen were sent for to go to La Harpe.
Wednesday, September 25, 1845. A delegation arrived from Quincy stating that the people were much incensed against us since those men were killed. The devil appears to be much enraged at the Saints. A pretty good sign that they are doing the will of God. I remember Brother Joseph Smith said some two years ago about the time the temple was finished, “all hell would be raised.” This day the twelve and some others went to Carthage to demand their trial on a charge of high treason, and were all acquitted.
On the 25th a delegation having arrived from Quincy yesterday, had an interview with the twelve today. They brought a copy of resolutions passed by a large meeting of the citizens of Quincy regarding the Saints, which was for the Saints to leave the state within six months and a written answer to be returned by the Twelve stating in explicit terms what they would do. Accordingly they returned an answer setting forth the facts concerning our grievances; that we had suffered the mob to burn some fifty houses and much grain; turning a sick women and children out in the hot sun by day and the damp dew of night without offering any resistance until called upon by the legal authorities of the country viz the Sherrif, who was not a member of our community, ye because he come upon them while in the act of burning a house and as they fled and would not be arrested two of them were shot; the spirit of the people was raised to boiling heat. God deliver me from such a government, and may Ephraim speedily reclaim his inheritance and the cursed Gentiles swept from the land according to the promise of the Lord.
The Twelve proposed in their answer to leave next season provided we could be secure in the enjoyment of peace until then and be paid for our property, we would then remove to a place so remote that there would be no danger of any more collisions.
Father Alpeus Cutler proposed to me this day to go with him with my family on an expedition next spring and I agreed to do so. He was to take a hundred families; as also Reynolds Cahoon, Father Morley and Bent are to take a hundred families each. Upon counseling with my brethren I found it was best not to go with Father Cutler. On the 27th at 4 o’clock the artillery was called together when Colonel Scott proceeded to lay before us the order of arrangement for the future with regard to our appertaining. Having ascertained the amount of our arms, teams, horses, and informed us that from this time forth all we had would be under the direction of our proper officer.
We were commanded to secrete our cannons as the governor was expected to pay us a visit and from past examples of his taking away our arms we were afraid he might want to borrow them. The smallest gun was assigned to my company. On the 28th news arrived that the governor had sent on troops to assist in administering the law in Hancock County. General J. J. Hardin commanding, he immediately dismissed all the Sherriff’s posse that were on duty to return home and issued orders that not more than four persons armed should assemble together in the county except his troops.
October 5th, 1845. It being the sabbath, meeting was held in the temple, it being now all enclosed. The meeting was opened by prayer by President Brigham Young, when, after he and some others had made a few remarks Elder Taylor spoke at considerable length on the prospects before us that peace being now restored we had nothing to do but finish and dedicate the [Nauvoo] temple and prepare to move in a body next spring, stating that he would feel to rejoice when he had got beyond the bounds of the Christians for he would not then have to carry his six-shooter in his pocket all the time as he had since the blood suckers tried to suck his blood in Carthage Jail.
In the afternoon four companies were drawn out beginning with number one under the Twelve, number two under Captain Bent and number three under Captain Cutler number four under Captain Morley. They received some general instructions from Brother Brigham and then five teams were drawn out of each company to work on the temple and for the Church. On the fifth a general conference of the Church met in the [Nauvoo] temple. Opened by prayer by Brother Parley P. Pratt, and after a beautiful hymn was rendered by the choir the president made the statement that the first business would be to present the authorities of the Church for consideration and approval. When Brother Brigham Young was unanimously sustained as president of the Church and of the Twelve and the members of that quorum were sustained except William Smith. Objection being made by Parley P. Pratt when by a unanimous vote he was rejected. Objection was made by Brother [Almon Babbitt] to Brother Lyman Wight on account of his separating and not being with the Twelve.
Brother H. C. Kimball said that Brother Wight was with a small company and no one here was able to tell whether he was doing well or ill so he proposed that his case be laid over which was agreed to. In the afternoon we received a rich treat from Parley P. Pratt on the first principle contained in the command to multiply and replenish the earth, showing that principle was turned aside by the foolish and wicked thus preventing man from enjoying his inheritance according to the law of God.
Brother Amasa Lyman showed the reason why God had dealt with his people in the way he had for the last fifteen years is to prepare them and bring about his purposes. In the afternoon the congregation was suddenly dismissed by Father John Smith before it was fully convened, telling them to go home immediately and prepare for the worst. All this alarm was occasioned by some of General Hardins troops coming in to search for thieves and stolen property, and they found some property which was claimed by Mr. Crawford who was said to be one of the house burners. They also took one man by the name of Gardner and one by the name of Smith.
On the morning of the 8th Brother Brigham commenced by denouncing such characters in the most severe terms and took measures to have them all cut off from the Church. After he got through, mother [Lucy] Smith, Joseph’s mother, addressed the congregation about an hour, speaking of the history of herself and family in bringing forth the Book of Mormon. She said it was eighteen years ago last Monday since he commenced preaching the gospel being called upon by Joseph to go and tell Martin Harris and family that he had got the plates and he wanted him to take an alphabet of the characters and carry them to the learned men to decipher.
In the afternoon passed a resolution that the Twelve and all others should immediately settle with the Trustees in Trust. When after appointing committees to sell property preparatory to moving and appointing William W. Phelps to write six school books for the instruction of the children the conference adjourned until the sixth day of next April. This night I was directed by Colonel Scott to bring my cannon to the North side of the temple which I did; accompanied by Lieutenant Burton and one of our men.
On the ninth the Seventies held a general conference in the [Nauvoo] temple in the morning and there was also a council by the first presidency for sending persons abroad to settle up business preparatory to removing in the spring. This night at 12 o’clock I was called to come immediately to the temple. Colonel Scott and twelve or fifteen others were there. We went to work and prepared a place behind some large piles of lumber and stored away our four pieces of artillery, having heard that General Hardins posse were coming in from Carthage to demand all the persons that were in command of the Sheriff’s posse in the late disturbances that if they were not given up they would immediately make war upon the city.
On the tenth I worked upon the ________. In the afternoon commenced work on the Bishop Whitney’s barn. Ten o’clock at night I was called by Agent Repshon to go and notify my company to meet at the temple at three in the morning. When we met there and having deposited our arms went home for breakfast. Several regiments were gathered in different parts of the city and remained on the watch during the day. From the tower of the temple with good glasses we were enabled to overlook the prairies for 15 or 20 miles and not having seen any movement of men during the day at ten o’clock at night our regiment was discharged, it being a false alarm.
On the seventeenth I finished the bishops barn and raised it. On the eighteenth returned to work at the temple. Replaced the lower girders, they having lain four years in the weather and being exposed were so decayed as not to be safe.
Sunday 19th. I attended a general conference of the Seventies in the [Nauvoo] temple when I was called to act as one of the seven presidents of the fourteenth quorum. This supplied the vacancy caused by the death of Brother Jonathan Dunham. I was ordained under the hands of President Joseph Young and Arza Adams. After the business was done the congregation of the Saints assembled and was addressed by Brother Orson Hyde, who first [gave] an account of his success in procuring canvas for the tabernacle. He had got it not by loans from the rich who held onto their money, but by begging and some voluntary donations he had in his mission of some three months to the east obtained $1800.00 which was six more, six hundred more, than was necessary to purchase the canvas. He then gave us a very spirited discourse on the children of Jerusalem refusing to gather together by Jesus, and applied the subject to the present situation of the Saints in being driven out from among the Gentiles.
After Brother Hyde talked to us Brother Taylor read to the congregation two letters written by William Smith–he having gone to Galena, in which he speaks evil of the Saints at Nauvoo and threatens Brigham Young. After the reading Brother Brigham made some remarks showing the folly of his course, yea the wickedness of his conduct in trying to injure his friends. It was then unanimously resolved that William Smith be cut off from the Church and given into the hands of the Lord.
On the morning of the 20th I put my name in Brother M. Serrine’s company to go West. He was just starting for Michigan to gather up the brethren and appointed me one of a committee of three to attend to the business of the company in his absence. In the evening I met with the company it was agreed that I should go the next day in search of timber for wagons.
On the 21st I went in company with Brother Wandle Mace up the River Bluffs in search of timber. We found some on Brother Babcocks land five miles away and engaged it for the company. He thought he would come in with us.
October 22nd, 1845. I went with four men and two teams to get the timber. Brother Babcock now wished me to put down his name in our company which was number twenty-three. 23rd. We still worked getting out timber. This night I was called by Agent Repshun between eleven and twelve o’clock to warn out all of my company to meet at the temple at seven o’clock next morning. When we assembled, there was few of my men required. The men of my company not needed we dismissed. I continued getting timber till Friday the 31st when I returned to work at the temple.
Saturday my father Udney H. Jacob came to my house from Pilot Grove and in the evening he said he now fully believed this work viz Mormonism, to be true. Indeed he now knew it to be the work of God foretold by the prophets, but when he was baptized two years ago he did not know it to be true. I was much rejoiced to hear this and it was soon arranged that he should be re-baptized on the morrow. There had been some difficulty in the Branch in Pilot Grove which had caused him to request his name to be taken from the record. All was now right. I had frequently told my wife that he would come back into the Church for I had a dream to that effect. The rest of my kindred are as hard as the nether mill stone.
Sunday, 2nd of November. We went to meeting at the [Nauvoo] temple. Brother Orson Hyde preached and he gave transgressors a warning not to go with us to the West in the spring as the law of God would be put in force against all thieves and disorderly persons. He gave them clearly to understand that they would be dropped out by the way. He was followed by Brother Kimball stirring the people up to finish the temple. He said he had rather go into the wilderness with a pack on his back and his wife with a bundle of clothes under his arms and have the temple finished than to go with his wagon loaded down with gold and the temple not finished. I went with Brother Zenos Gurley in the afternoon to the river where I baptized my father and Brother Gurley assisted in confirming him a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Monday, November 3rd, 1845. Brother William Weeks, the architect of the [Nauvoo] temple, requested me this morning to go ahead and put in the truss timbers for the lower floor of the temple. I continued to work at the [Nauvoo] temple through the week. Saturday evening had a meeting of our company, which was number twenty-three (23) for the West. The brethren were very anxious that I should go to work in the shop and assist making wagons for the expedition. Sunday I applied to Brother Weeks informing him of their request but he would not consent that I should go. There was a meeting in the upper part of the temple as the lower floor was taken up. Brother Brigham recommended that the several companies should make out a bill of iron requisite for wagons and send with what money they could raise by Brother Haywood to Quincy next Tuesday. This made it necessary for a special meeting of our company, which when called together borrowed fifty $50.00 dollars of a Sister Green whose husband had returned to Michigan to sell his property. Brother Rogers took the money to carry to Brother Haywood.
Monday the 10th. Upon application of Brother Wandel Mace, Brother Weeks concluded to let me go to work in the shops making wagons. Brother Moses Deming furnished me with $30.00 to purchase some pine lumber out of a raft just arrived for wagon boxes, one dollar of which was mysteriously lost in counting it.
On the 11th I commenced, in connection with Brother Mace and others to prepare a shop for work. On the 15th, in the evening, our company, number twenty-three, met at Tefford’s house when the company was organized by electing Moses Deming Chase chairman of the same, Wandel Mace boss of the wagon shop and myself treasurer. Afterwards Moses Deming was elected Captain of all the teams and William Burton commissary of the company.
On the [November] 17th [1845] Brother William Weeks, the architect of the [Nauvoo] temple, came to me at the shops and said that I must return to take charge of the framing at the temple. I replied that I left there by his permission and do as he said and on Tuesday the 18th of November again commenced work there. About this time there was a Brother Durphy shot by the mob at Lima. The brethren rapidly pushed forward the finishing of the rooms in the attic story preparatory to the endowment. On the 26th a meeting of our company was called at the shop. Moses Deming requested the brethren to excuse him from acting longer as chairman on account of his deafness as he could not readily hear the remarks of persons speaking. His request was granted. They then proceeded to elect another chairman and ask me to act. I was still employed in putting in the lower flooring timbers of the temple and the upper rooms being finished and completely furnished was dedicated and on Wednesday the 10th day of December, 1845 the Twelve commenced the washing and anointing in the temple of the Lord.
Friday the 12th. [December 1845] Brother William Weeks come to me and said he wanted me to go home and prepare myself and wife and come to the temple at 12 o’clock a.m. ready to receive our endowments. We most joyfully complied with the request and at about 5 o’clock p.m. we were washed and annointed in the House of the Lord. It was the most interesting scene of all my life and one that afforded the most peace and joy that we had ever experienced since we were married, which has been over fifteen years. Brethren William Weeks, Truman O. Angel, Charles C. Rich, George W. Harris, James Allred and William Felshaw were the first that received their endowment in this [Nauvoo Temple] House of the Lord, which took place on this day, the time before having been occupied in the washing and anointing those that had before received their endowments under the hands of Joseph Smith the prophet, which he conferred upon them one year ago last winter. After those six went in with their wives, Amos Fielding, Noah Packard, Samuel Rolf, Aaron Johnson, William Snow, Willard Snow, Erastus Snow, Player and myself, with our wives, were called in and all passed through the endowment at the same time.
Sunday the 14th I attended a general conference of the Seventies in the concert hall when A. P. Rockwood presided and there was about $30.00 raised to purchase clothing for the purpose of carrying the Seventies through the endowment. I still continued to work at the [Nauvoo] temple rejoicing in being counted worthy to associate with the Lord’s Holy annointed ones. This week my father visited me after being absent from the city some time he appeared to be much perplexed about his business and seemed inclined to tarry at his home at Pilot Grove through the winter but I persuaded him to come and live with my family and endeavor to obtain a knowledge of the things pertaining to the fullness of the priesthood and kingdom of God in the last days. He tarried until sunday the 21st when upon my recommendation he was ordained into the elders quorum.
About the middle of this week the weather set in and was very cold. I found widow Stoel and family suffering intensely with the cold, living in an open house without firewood. I called upon her as I went to my work in the morning and told her to take her children and go to my house. Afterwards with the assistance of my father I removed her beds, etc. and she tarried with us. On Tuesday the 23rd, my father removed his clothing, etc. and took up his abode with us. We all lived together now very happily, enjoying the comfort of the Holy Ghost. On the 21st I with my wife had the exquisite pleasure of meeting with the holy order of the Lord’s annointed in his holy house whose motto is “Holiness to the Lord.”
The enemies of the Lord this week got out warrants for the apprehension of the Twelve and the deputy marshall of this district came here with some dozen soldiers and apprehended a man by the name of William Miller supposing him to be Brother Brigham Young. They took him out to Carthage where they found out their mistake and were chagrined to think they had missed their aim. May God grant that they may always be foiled in their attempts and fall into their own pit which they have prepared for the Saints.
On Monday, the 28th, Brother Noah Rogers arrived direct from the Sandwich Islands and was joyfully received by his friends and brethren. The Marshall returned and searched the temple for the Twelve but when he came where they were they wasn’t there and he went away as cheap as he came.
Sunday, January 11th, 1846. I met with the congregation of the Lord on the second floor of the temple. Brethren __________ John Young and father Nickerson spoke to the people, and we had a good meeting. It is a time of trouble and the twelve are preparing to leave a country where they are hunted like wild beasts by a black hearted set of mobbers.
This evening a number of such scoundrels under the character of government troops went to the house of Brother Andrew Colton in the midst of the night and took him out of his bed and under a charge of horse stealing. They went also to Brother Eatman’s stable and broke it open looking for the stolen horse, but found him not. They took their prisoner off to Carthage. The police were in pursuit of them very soon and some of the rascals who stayed till morning were driven off by our police and were told by Captain Stout that if they came back and were found running through the streets at night he would kill them, and left the city in great rage.
Tuesday the 13th, having been permitted to leave the work at the temple I commenced again at our wagon shop and I went over the river after timber. This evening at six o’clock I attended prayers among the annointed ones in the temple. Continued work for the shop through the week. Sunday attended meeting in the second story of the temple where Brother Clapp preached and Brother John Young prophesied that all the Saints that would obey the commandments of God would be brought out from among this nation with a high hand and an outstretched arm.
Monday the 19th. I went with my wife to the [Nauvoo] temple in the morning to attend to our sealing but there was a council to be held which put other business aside. I went into that council to represent M. Serrine’s company. The business of the council was to ascertain how many were ready to start for the West. Not being in possession of all the facts, the president, Brother Brigham Young, appointed next Sunday at two o’clock to make report of all men and teams that could be ready to depart on short notice. In the evening I went into the Holy of Holies with Emily my wife where by President Brigham Young we were, according to the holy order of the priesthood, sealed together for time and all eternity, and sealed up into eternal life and against all sin except the sin against the Holy Ghost. May God keep us faithful in his ordinances, Amen.
Saturday 24th, a meeting of the people was called in the house of the Lord to elect three trustees to assist the trustees in trust. Newel K. Whitney and George Miller, so that when they leave home that the business may be done in their absence. Brethren Almon W. Babbit. John Fulmer and Brother Haywood were chosen, and Henry Miller and Dr. Bernhisel were nominated to assist the Nauvoo House Committee, it being the intention to proceed with that work and the temple the ensuing season so as to employ the brethren until they can sell their property and prepare to move.
On Sunday the 25th, I remained at home in the forenoon and employed myself in writing the geneology of our family as I received it from my father. In the afternoon I went and delivered my report at the meeting of the Captains of hundreds. Monday the 26th, I in the afternoon went with father, my wife Emily and sister Loverdg [?] and her son to father John Smith’s, the Patriarch, to get our patriarchal blessings. Father was well pleased with his blessing. He said, “Brother Smith I know you are a true prophet for you have told me the truth.” Emily too was much strengthened in her faith.
Tuesday in [the] afternoon and evening my quorum met at the old printing office and had a feast. Our wives, daughters and mothers partook with us in the festivity. We had a time of great rejoicing together and yet mingled with a sober feeling.
City of Joseph, January 26, 1846.
A blessing by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Norton Jacob, son of Udney and Elizabeth. Born on the 11th of August, 1804. Berkshire County, Massachusetts.
Brother Norton, beloved of the Lord, I lay my hands on thy head by the authority given me of Jesus of Nazareth, place upon thee all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Priesthood and power which was given to the house of Israel, which shall be sealed upon thy head in fullness in due time. No power on earth shall be able to destroy thy faith because they heart is honest. Notwithstanding ’tis thy duty to watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation because of the weakness of the flesh. The Lord delighteth in thee and hath given his angels charge to watch over thee continually. It is left to thy choice in what part of the vineyard thou wilt labor. The whispering of the Spirit is, they greatest labor is among the Lamanites. Thou shalt have prosperity at all times and in all places. Wherever thy lot is cast, thou shalt have exceeding faith to work miracles in the eyes of the people.
Thousands shall believe thy testimony. Obey the gospel and thou shalt lead them to Zion and no power shall stay thine hand. Thou shalt be able to control the elements by the power of the priesthood vested in thee. No miracle shall be too hard for thee to perform when it shall be for they salvation of men. Thou shalt have an inheritance in the land of Joseph with thy brethren; raise up a numerous posterity to keep thy name in remembrance and the name of thy fathers to all generations. Be diligent brother to follow the council of those who are appointed to lead the church and thou shalt inherit every blessing which your heart desires even eternal life. I seal this blessing upon thee and thy posterity in common with they companion, Amen. (A true copy).
City of Joseph, January 26, 1846.
A blessing by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of Emily Jacob, daughter of Elias and Mary Heaton, Born November 28, 1810. Chittenden County, Vermont.
Sister Emily, by the authority vested in me to bless the fatherless, I place my hands upon thy head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth; seal upon thee the priesthood with all the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant which was sealed upon the children of Joseph for this thy lineage the same as thy companion, thou hast a right to all the blessings which is sealed upon his head. For a woman can have but little power in the priesthood without a man. Thou shalt be blessed in thy basket in thy store and in all things that you put your hand to do. Thy family shall be blessed with health, peace and plenty. There shall be no lack in thine house. The destroyer shall not disturb thy peace. Thou shalt be blessed with health and strength beyond all thy fears even like the daughters of Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt. Thou shalt have the ministering of angels to comfort thy heart. ‘Tis thy privilege to have faith to converse with them as with thy friends. Thy children shall increase about thee and become very numerous like Jacob and be honorable in the house of Israel. None shall excel them. Thy days and years shall be multiplied upon thy head according to the desire of thine heart. Thou shalt partake of all the blessings of the Redeemer’s Kingdom, worlds without end. Inasmuch as thou art faithful these words shall not fail. Amen. (A true copy).
Sunday, 1st of February. There was a meeting in the [Nauvoo] temple. Brother Orson Pratt spoke to the people. Brother Brigham Young said that Moses Smith wanted to set forth the doctrine and claims of James J. Strang. Moses [Smith] then arose and read some of Strang’s productions and made some comments and warned the people to flee to Vorell, Strang’s new city in Wisconsin where he promised them peace and safety. He however, recognized the authority of the Twelve. After he had done, Brother Brigham said he would make no comment but simply ask the people if they had heard the voice of the Good Shepherd in what had been advanced and when NO resounded all over the house it was proposed that Moses Smith be cut off from the Church which was carried unanimously. Strang and Aaron Smith was also cut off. Many have been deluded by Strangism and one of them a president of the Seventies. This evening my quorum was notified to be at the temple Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock to receive their endowments.
At five o’clock Wednesday the 4th I repaired to the [Nauvoo] temple where I found the brethren and sisters recreating themselves with music and dancing after their labors as the endowments were adjourned for two days.
Friday the endowments were continued. In the evening I again repaired to the House of the Lord with my father Udney, my wife Emily, my daughter Elsie and Miss Matilda Stoel. In the course of the night my father, daughter and Miss Matilda all received their washing and annointing and was ordained a king and priest unto God in room number four_____.
Sunday, February 3rd, 1846 at 9 o’clock a.m. the endowments were stopped in the House of the Lord [Nauvoo Temple] and the walls were taken down. The people were then called out into the grove west of the [Nauvoo] temple where we were addressed by president Joseph Young who is president of all the Seventies, there being thirty-two quorums. Brother Jediah Grant and Benjamin Clapp also of the first council of the Seventies spoke to the people. Brethren Hyde, Taylor, P. P. Pratt and Brigham Young gave vent to their feelings by addressing the people for the last time in Nauvoo. Brother Brigham warned them that grievous wolves would come in among the sheep when they were gone not sparing the flock. That from among themselves men would spring up speaking perverse things to turn men away from the truth. He said they would start tomorrow, and that some of the brethren had already crossed over three or four days ago, and that they are crossing all the time. Monday about four o’clock p.m. a fire broke out in the temple by a stove pipe in the main deck roof, and for some time it looked rather fearful but by cutting up a portion of the deck and roof it was subdued after doing about $100.00 damage.
Friday, February 13th. Brother M. Serrine arrived from Michigan having had good success in his mission. About seventy families are on their way to this place fully fitted and prepared to go on West as soon as they arrive. Saturday morning I went with Brother Serrine to visit Brother Brigham Young and get council from his concerning our future operations. He was stopping at his brother Joseph Young’s, having sent his baggage wagons across the river the night before. He appeared to be in good spirits and was well pleased with what Brother Serrine had done and told him to organize his company and keep them together and start as soon as possible across the country to Council Bluffs with their teams. A steamboat should be chartered to carry the Mill irons goods and heavy baggage around by water to the same place.
Sunday 15th. Brother Brigham Young with his family crossed the river and went out to Sugar Creek where the brethren who are going West in this first company have formed a camp. This day I visited at Brother C. W. Wandel’s and had a very agreeable time. On Wednesday, the 11th, my father was ordained a High Priest.
Sunday, 22nd, a meeting was called and was held in the temple on the first floor. The room was yet unfinished. Brother Benjamin Clapp began the meeting by prayer. He had been speaking some little time when a slight crack was heard in the floor and being laid on truss girders they settled a little when suddenly the people began to scream as though they expected the house to fall in on them instantly. They rushed in every direction and some began to break the sash and glass. Thus several windows were broken and men plunged out like mad cats upon the frozen ground and stones below. ‘Twas in vain to attempt to restore order and President Young directed the people to go out into the grove. Although it was cold Brother O. Hyde addressed them some time on the subject of apostasy, directing his remarks especially to followers of James J. Strang. Brother Brigham spoke also and said he was surprised that people did not know any better than to get frightened because the floor of the temple settled a little and forbid appointing any more meetings there without an order from the Twelve. He said he was not at all troubled at Strangism. Any who wished to follow Strang he wanted them to go by all means. The Lord did not want any who were desirous of following the devil.
At three o’clock the Seventies had a general conference at the concert hall where we were addressed by our president Joseph Young and Orson Hyde. There was much of the good spirit manifested. In the evening I attended a meeting of my quorum when Chancy Gaylord was cut off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for apostasy in joining the Strangites.
Sunday, March 1st, I went in company with Brethren Serrine, O. Terry, Jackson Bagley and Frost over to the camp. The weather having been cold had frozen the river over the second time this winter, so we crossed on the ice and went out six miles to the camp. We found the camp of Israel in motion, striking their tents to move on a sabbath day’s journey farther. We found them in good spirits having President Brigham Young and the Twelve in their midst. When we returned home we found John E. Page, one of the Twelve, had been declaring himself opposed to the course of his brethren. Brother Hyde replied to him in such a way as to show that Page had been remiss in his duty ever since he undertook to go with Elder Hyde to Jerusalem. Elder Hyde read a communication from the council dated February ninth, in which they withdrew the hand of fellowship from Brother John E. Page; the congregation sanctioned the act by which he was severed from the Church. Only a few Strangites voting in his favor.
I continued work at the wagon shop until about the first of May when I got a wagon for my winter’s work. Father bought him one and proceeded to fit them up for the journey west. He married the widow Snyder and on the 17th of May at 9 o’clock p.m. I married Jesse Snyder (youngest son of the widow) to my daughter Elsie Pamela. Father, Jesse and myself went up into McDonough County and bought 14 steers and two heffers of John Huston, paying $20.00 a piece for them. This was an exhoribitant price to give. We immediately took them across the river to Brother George Snyder’s camp and left Oliver to take care of them, and on the 28th of May we crossed over without two wagons and families and then commenced breaking out steers.
June 17th [1846]. I left the bank of the Mississippi for the camp of Israel to the west with my family composed [of] as follows: myself, my wife Emily, daughter Elsie P. and her husband Jesse Snyder, my sons Oliver B., Jucian J., Ira N. and Joseph Jacob together with my father Udney and his wife and sister Boice and her son William. The first night father’s horse strayed off which hindered us several days. At length he was found and we proceeded on our journey with various success. Passed a large settlement of the brethren called Mt. Pisgah on Grand River.
On Tuesday the 21st of July we had good weather and during the whole route had the same. We arrived at Council Bluffs near the mouth of the Great Platte on the Missouri on the 24th day of July and here I met with Brother Heber C. Kimball who counseled me to cross the Missouri and join his family in the camp of Israel. Accordingly we crossed over on the 30th except Sister Boice and son who tarried with Brother George Snyder. Four miles from the river we joined the camp of Israel with President Brigham Young at its head accompanied by several of his brethren of the Twelve. We camped with Brother Heber’s company.
Saturday the first of August he came and introduced me to Sister Flora Clasinda Gleason who had come with Brother Cahoon and wished a place to reside. I was well pleased to receive her into my family. Monday evening our whole camp was called to Brother Heber’s tent and after some remarks by him a vote was taken, there being about seventy present, to proceed up the river in search of a place for winter quarters. Tuesday we proceeded six or eight miles, and on Wednesday we went about the same and camped near a large body of timber, which was the largest body we had seen. Thursday Brother Brigham’s camp came up and after a day or two spent in examining the surrounding country, a council was held at Brother Heber’s encampment when a vote was taken to remain here during the winter. This makes us about twenty miles from the Otto Village near the ferry, and about three miles from the Missouri River.
Colonel John Scott of the artillery, requested me to come and take my place in same. Brother Heber C. Kimball being my spiritual father in the Church, I thought it best to ask his council upon the subject and he told me to go with Brother Scott if I wished to. Accordingly on Thursday the 13th of August I moved my wagon a short distance and camped with the artillery camp, thus leaving father Udney and his wife and my daughter and her husband in father Heber’s camp.
Sunday 16th [August 1846]. Captain John Farnum died in our camp. I made his coffin out of rough boards and we buried him near an Indian mount. Went to work, all hands this week fencing our camping grounds. Some four or five or our men were sick, the Colonel leaving but nine or ten fit for duty. Saturday received a notice from the Colonel to meet at his quarters at six o’clock in a council of officers of the artillery as an order had been issued by General Brigham Young to fill up four companies. None but Captain Little and myself attended. The case of Major John Pack came up who abandoned the regiment and declined serving at a perilous time in Nauvoo when, according to our records, the sheriff of Hancock County called us out as a posse to suppress the mob. The vacancy was filled at that time by electing Captain Stephen H. Godard to serve in his place. Now Major Pack comes up and claims his place in the regiment and the council decided that he could not legally do so in as much as several officers had been promoted to fill vacancies occasioned by his neglect of duty and it would be wrong now to take away their rights.
Monday 24th. Edward M. Green came into our company and we commenced cutting our hay. Continued in our hay through the week. Saturday 29th some of the ______ Indians by request of President Young and council came and camped [here] when a council was held with them in which they agreed that we might winter on their lands, but they chose that we should build and make the most of our improvements some fifteen miles above here which was near the Garrison, as they intended to locate and make a town there. They would permit us to remain one or two years.
Saturday, September 5th [1846]. We continued to work at the hay. Today two young lads by the names of Barnum and Brown were severely whipped by the marshall of Cutler’s Park, which is the name given to this place for the crime of seduction. Friday 11th I received the following notice from Colonel Scott:
Headquarters artillery regiment, Culler’s Park, September 11, 1846.
Captain Norton Jacob, Sir:
You are hereby notified to enquire after the commission and non-commissioned officers of your company and notify them to appear with yourself in person at my quarters on Sunday evening at six o’clock, September 13th. Herein fail not for we must meet in council to transact some important business. You will please give attention to order and fail not.
John Scott, Colonel
Sunday 13th [September 1846]. Attended meeting at the stand. Brother Orson Pratt spoke on the necessity of obtaining knowledge that the elders frequently for the want thereof, made statements that were incorrect has failed to prove correct positions not knowing how to apply evidence. For instance, many would say that the five senses were the only inlets of human knowledge whereas much of our knowledge is received by mental perception, reasoning and reflection. Again the sectarian world say that about six thousand years ago God made all things out of nothing. When it can be demonstrated that light is thirty thousand years in coming from the fixed stars to earth, consequently that light was in existence at least twenty-four thousand years before this earth.
Brother Heber spoke upon the fuss made by some persons about those boys being whipped. Some went and hid themselves saying that they would shoot anybody who should undertake to whip them, which he regarded as a pretty sure sign of their guilt. The whipping has been done by order of the council and he would support his brethren in the course they had taken.
President Young spoke very severely upon the course taken by some in undertaking to stir up strife in the camp because some boys had been whipped. They having been neglected by their own fathers. He thought the marshall had not whipped them severe enough or they would hold their tongues, and besides some middle aged men were engaged in encouraging them in their course. If thy wished thus to corrupt themselves, he wanted them to leave the camp of Israel and go away among the Gentiles. But if they remained here they must observe order and decorum and he swore twice in the name of Israel’s God that such vile conduct should not be allowed in this camp, for if they could not govern without, the law of God should be executed and that would make short work.
In the evening met the council at Colonel Scott’s quarters. President Colonel John Scott, Captain John Little, Captain Harrison Burgess and myself. Order was given that four companies of at least twenty men each be raised within the week and that a report be made here next Sunday evening at six o’clock.
Monday 14th [September 1846] I went out as usual with the brethren to work at the hay and after we got into the meadow, in getting off the wagon one of the oxen kicked me severely on the left side which so disabled me that I was obliged to quit work, and I remained until Monday following unable to work. Monday 21st ground sythes. At night about nine o’clock an alarm was made and we were directed to get the two six pounders out and prepare for action, Captain Little and Burgess mustered about twenty additional men and we were on duty until about three o’clock a.m. when all turned in, but the guards. In the morning by the direction of Colonel Scott, I drilled some of the men. About ten o’clock all the camp of Israel was called together under arms when it was organized by President Young and the council into one regiment of four battalions consisting of four companies, each of twenty-five men, rank and file. Stephen Markham was elected Colonel, Hosea Stout Lieutenant, Colonel John Scott First Major, Henry Herriman Second Major, and John Gleason Third Major. General Brigham Young made a speech to the brethren in which he claimed the right of being commander-in-chief of all the forces of the Saints, which was accorded by a unanimous vote of all present. We were then dismissed and returned to our camp, viz the artillery battalion composed of Captain Little’s company, Captain Flack’s, Captain Burgess’ and my own. After we arrived at our camp we were dismissed until five o’clock p.m. when three companies, Flack’s, Burgess’ and my own met and elected one lieutenant and two sergeants each when we were dismissed by Major John Scott.
Thursday 24th [September 1846]. This morning a very singular incident occurred in our camp. Before the organization above related, Colonel Scott had received an order from General [Brigham] Young to send one of the four pieces of ordinance in his possession to Bishop Miller’s camp, two hundred miles above here at the mouth of the Punkaw river. In compliance with that order we had prepared the four pounder, and drew up written instructions for the manual of the piece. This morning the bishop’s agent, Jacob Houtz came to receive the gun. Just as he was hitching on his team, colonel Stephen Markham came up. His adjutant Major Bills was also present. The team being hitched on the gun carriage, says Brother Scott, “Who is to receipt for this gun?” Colonel Markham replied, “Brigham has ordered me to take charge of the guns and have them put in order.” Says Brother Scott, “This property has long since been put in my possession with orders from Brother Brigham, not to let any of it go without orders from him and taking a receipt; moreover I have just receipted for these oxen and no man shall take them away without giving a receipt. Says Markham, “How did you come to receipt for them?” As though he had been doing that which he should not have done. Scott replied, “General Young told me to do so and accordingly I have given one like this.”
“Received of Zerah Pulsipher one yoke of oxen to be used in hauling a cannon up to Bishop Miller’s camp.”
Says Markham, “Whose here to take them?” Brother Houtz, here is Miller’s agent.
“I will receipt for them, none but a damn fool would object to what Colonel Scott requires.”
Says Colonel Markham, “Let’s go and fix it,” and they all started towards Colonel Scott’s tent. Brother Houtz remarking to his teamster, “You may turn the team around. I suppose Colonel Scott will not let the gun go out of the yard until it is receipted for.”
“Yes,” says Markham, “Drive it out of the yard I’ll bear you out in it.” Brother Scott turned round saying, “Colonel Markham, that gun shall not go out of this yard until I have a receipt for it.”
Says Markham, “I swear it shall,” and immediately caught the whip out of the drivers hand exclaiming, “John Scott I’ll straighten you.” Scott unhooked the lead cattle’s chain, when Markham collared him, Scott also seized him and held him off at arms end. Saying sternly, “Markham you shall not come into this yard and interfere with my business.” Markham called out to his adjutant Bill, “Go and bring a force [to take the gun, etc]” And away scampered Aft. Bills telling every man he met to gather up forthwith to the public square armed and equipped, for terrible things were expected. Some said afterwards they did not know where the public square was. But some ten or a dozen particular friends happened to think that the little triangular spot occupied by the artillery must be the public square so on they came with rifle and musket, swords and spear and passed round outside of the yard where they formed a line with their backs towards the mouths of those terrible guns, that the agent sending by one of the general’s aids the night after the alarm, commanded Colonel Scott to have the ______ drawn out of lest it get wet; when there had been neither shot nor priming in them for the last six months at least. It reminds one of Don Quixote’s attack upon the windmill; for it those great guns had bellowed, there would have been a deal of wind.
But to return to the parties at the gun. They both soon relinquished their hold, Brother Scott remarking calmly, “Markham the thing I require of you is reasonable. Brother Young has given me charge of this property. I don’t care a damn for Joseph Young, and nobody else. I’ll have a force here to take it,” says Markham.
“I can raise a force too,” says Scott, “but look here Colonel Markham: you show no authority from General Brigham Young for the course you are pursuing. Here Markham hesitated a little and Brother Houtz again offered to do as he had done before. When all three proceeded directly to the tent, and a receipt for the gun and oxen was made out and signed by Brother Jacob Houtz some time before the force under command of Captain Charles Bride arrived, who came without any orders from his superior officer Major John Gleason.
Consequently, like fools, they came as a mob and Colonel Markham suffered them to stay as long as they pleased without dispersing or dismissing them until they went away as they came, like fools with their fingers in their mouths. While Brother Jacob Houtz hitched onto his cannon again and drove off in triumph. All this happened about ten o’clock a.m. Some time in the afternoon Colonel Markham came into the yard inquiring for Brother Scott. He soon found him when lo and behold, he wanted to see if the receipt taken by Brother Scott held Brother Houtz responsible for the delivery of that cannon to Bishop Miller for if it did not he would send on a man to take possession of it and see that it was so delivered.
Friday 25th [September 1846]. This morning we received intelligence of a hard fought battle at Nauvoo a week ago last Saturday in which Brother William Anderson, his son and another man were killed.
NOTE: At the time of the organization on the 22nd, General Young said the camp was about to remove down to the river for winter quarters and that he wanted a company of twenty-five men under the command of some suitable person to reconnoiter the country to the south to search for crossing places on the Elkhorn Platte River and other streams, and also to seek for good places to winter stock so that we might travel in the winter or next spring for, companies would have to be selected to hunt and search out countries and places which we had never thought of. He also said that he had appointed Colonel A. P. Rockwood to be his ______ to carry messages and do business for and in his name; to be his mouth piece. For when sent to do anything he knew enough to stop when he had done it and but few men know enough for that. Therefore he wanted all the people to receive Brother Rockwood as his mouth piece. Just as though the commands sent by him and the words spoken were spoken and commanded by me. Brother Brigham then called upon the people to sanction it by their votes which they did. From this and other things that have transpired, I have come to the conclusion that it is the policy and intention to put down every spirit in the camp of Israel that would seek to establish _________ independence and that Brother Rockwood is to be made an instrument to accomplish that thing as he is Brother Brigham’s eldest son by adoption. Well, I say Amen for there must be less of that spirit before a proper union can prevail among the Saints.
While Colonel Markham’s force were formed in the manner before mentioned in this record Brother Heber C. Kimball came up and spoke against such a proceeding saying that the brethren should not let their passions govern them. But act with calmness and moderation. How, said he, could [the] Twelve even get along with their business if they were to take fire at every obstacle that was thrown in their way. In the presence of Brother Kimball and some others, who had also came to see what was going on, a short explanation took place between Markham and Scott when they mutually agreed that what had passed should not interrupt or break their friendship and they gave each other the hand of fellowship, but it made quite a stir in the camp of Israel, as officious persons can yet be found among the Saints who seek to promote discord and stir up strife. Well, may the Lord reward them for their iniquitous practices, and hasten the time when righteousness and the law of God shall prevail, and tyranny and oppression be purged out from among the people of the Lord, yea and driven from the face of the earth.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday the whole camp of Israel were in motion moving down to their winter quarters on the river at the mouth of Turkey Creek, where they have laid out a city on a beautiful cite on a high second bottom and where they intend to build a water mill. Saturday, Brother Scott went down to see Brother Brigham and Heber, to ascertain where they intended to have the artillery camp for the winter. He met with rather a cool reception from Brigham as those officious persons above alluded to had filled his ears with various false statements concerning the affair between Scott and Markham, but after listening to Brother Scott’s defense of his conduct, he appeared better pleased with the course he had taken in the matter. When the conversation was turned by Brother Brigham upon the subject of the post which he wished Major Scott to occupy with his artillery, which was immediately north o the city on the opposite side of Turkey Creek.
Sunday some five or six of our company together with Major Scott and myself took a two horse wagon and went down to search out the spot for our encampment. About eighty rods north of the head of main street in small valley well sheltered from the winds of winter by the surrounding hills, we found one of the best springs of living water that has been found in this part of the country and here we determined to fix our camp.
Monday 28th [September 1846]. We commenced moving our camp and continued engaged at it for three or four days. Our camp was now composed of the following named persons: Major John Scott and family, Captain Norton Jacob and family, Captain James M. Flack, Lieutenant, Thomas King and family, John Robinson and family, Caleb Baldwin and family, William Robinson and family, Timothy King and family (who had gone on a mission to England), James Keeler, Edward Pugh, Moses Vince, John Groesbeck and family, Brother Scott had some time ago taken a job of work of Presbyterian Missionary down at the Oto village which is called Belview.
Monday, John Groesbeck and family went down to commence said job of work. Tuesday, Thomas R. King and family and James Baldwin went down also, Timothy King went also on Monday.
Sunday, October 4th [1846]. I went to meeting over in the city or big camp, Brother Orson Pratt preached a good gospel sermon. In the afternoon there was a business meeting. Brother Lathrop and Hill had just arrived from up the river. They had left their families together with some eight or ten others about seventy miles above the place having broken off from Bishop Miller’s camp because of the oppression and disorder that prevails there, they had found extensive rush bottoms where they had stopped, and President Young said it was his intention to send his cattle up there to winter them and thought it advisable for some families to go up there that those that wished might prepare to winter their stock or the rushes.
Monday the 5th. Our moving being accomplished Brethren Scott, Flack Keeler and McGaw, went down to assist about the job. Before leaving, Major Scott placed me in charge of the camp under the following order.
Artillery Camp, October 5th, 1846. Captain N. Jacob
Dear Sir:
You are hereby authorized and commanded to take charge of the artillery camp in my absence also of the battalion if necessity requires it.
John Scott, Major
I was not able to work much this week, by reason of a large swelling under my left arm. Sunday, 11th October. I lanced it when it discharged very freely and I was soon able to work again. This day all hands were out in the rain selecting our cattle out of the big herd which had just been brought up the river about six miles. Sunday 18th. I went down to work on the missionary job, and worked one week, when through the mean undermining conduct of McGaw, Thomas King and Groesbeck, Brother Scott and the remainder of our company were discharged from the work by our missionary employer and McKiney and King, Groesbeck and J. Baldwin were employed by him to finish the job. These men were influenced in this by a spirit of covetousness and insubordination which more fully manifested itself after they returned to camp by their drawing off and making a division in the company, McGaw, John Robinson, Thomas King, Timothy King and Groesbeck drew off by which our working company was so reduced that we found ourselves under the necessity of separating our business and work each by himself. During my absence below father returned from the bottoms above here where he had went to winter and came into the artillery camp.
I commenced building my house about the first of November [1846] in which I was employed about three weeks when I went to work on President Young’s gristmill. I worked seven days when I was prevented doing anything by a swelling on my hand for about three weeks. About this time President Young called the people together at the stand on the council lot and gave them a severe chastisement for their sins and transgressions of the law of God. He told them that they must repent immediately and bring forth works of righteousness or they would be all swept from the face of the earth, and that the thieves need not undertake to go with the Saints from this camp for when we should leave here for the west the law of God in every particular would take full effect and that would cut the matter short, even as short as the man who went to cut a dog’s tail off and by mistake he cut it close behind his ears.
He did not want to go any further into the wilderness without an entire and thorough reformation, for we should all be destroyed by the Lamanites as were the Nephites of old, and finally concluded by saying that notwithstanding what he had said he still knew this to be the best people there was on the earth. I should conclude from all this that the inhabitants of the earth are nigh unto that period of destruction spoken of by Israel’s prophets.
On November the 25th the whole camp of Winter Quarters was divided into two bishoprics under the direction of the High Council for the purpose of taking care of the poor which included the wives of those men who volunteered and went into the army last July, about five hundred men this was. This measure seemed to be a necessity in order to turn away the jealousy of the General Government and secure its protection in some degree to the Saints.
January 14th, 1847 the Lord gave a revelation to the Church through the Twelve entitled, [D&C 136] “The work and will of the Lord concerning the Saints in their journey to the west. Let all the camp of Israel be organized into companies of hundreds, fifties and tens with a president and two counselors to each company, etc.” Under this revelation the camp was organized and about the first of February I was appointed a captain of the eighth, ten in the third hundred or second grand division under Heber C. Kimball. About the first of March I was selected for one of the pioneers to go and seek out the place where the Lord promised in the revelation referred to above to establish a stake of Zion.
On the 15th in compliance with Brother Heber’s counsel I went down to where Brother Joe Ricks is settled on west branch of the Nishnebotana to see if I could get any assistance to help me to go with the pioneers. Brother Ricks very readily agreed to send a two horse team with me and take care of my family while I should go along with the Twelve as a pioneer.
Friday, March 26th at ten o’clock the people were called together by the ringing of the old temple bell and a special conference was held preparatory to the departure of the pioneers. Brother Brigham chastened the people severely for being so covetous and withholding their means in fitting out the pioneers. Instructed the pioneers to keep the word of wisdom.
The following is a return of the eighth ten: N. Jacob, Captain in Captain Rounday’s company, being the 3rd Company in the 2nd Grand Division under Heber C. Kimball.
Name: Norton Jacob No. 1. Age: 42. Teamsters 1, wagons 1, mules 1, yoke of oxen 1, meal 150, flour 50, meat 50, one chest of joiner tools, 1 two year old heifer. Carried with the pioneers 1 peck white beans and some tools. Family: Emily Jacob 36, Oliver B. Jacob 13 (teamster), Lucian H. Jacob 11 (teamster), Ira N. Jacob 6, Joseph Jacob 2.
Name: Udney H. Jacob No. 2. Age: 66. Teamsters 1, wagons 1, horses 1, mules 5, yoke of oxen 3, meal 40, flour 40, one yearling colt, 1 two year-old, 1/2 bu beans, 1 heifer and cash $10.00. Family Louisa L. Jacob.
Name: James Goff No. 3. Age: 38. Teamsters 1, wagons 1, mules 1, yoke of oxen 1. Family: Mary Goff 35, Sarah Jjane Goff 15, Elisha Goff 10, Aaron T. Goff 6, James Goff Jr. 1, Catherine Ann VanVilzer.
Name: German Elsworth No. 4. Age: 31. Teamsters 1, wagons 1, mules 1, yoke of oxen 4, meal 4, flour 70, corn 9, 1 plough and 1 bu. wheat. Family: Spedy Elsworth 26, Elizabeth Elsworth 7, Ephraim Elsworth 5, Evaline Elsworth 4, Esther Elsworth 2, Minerva Elsworth 1.
Name: David Elsworth No. 5. Age: 42. Teamsters 1, wagons 1, mules 1, yoke of oxen 2, flour 4, corn 1, 1 1/2 bu. buckwheat, 1 plow shire axle tree, 3 plows axes etc, one cut saw, cash $15.00 Family: Catherine Elsworth 41, James Elsworth 12, Lucinda Elsworth 10, Ephraim Elsworth 5, Anna Elsworth 3. Sent with the pioneers one bu. buckwheat.