/ Histories / Truman O. Angell
Autobiography (1810-1856) in "His Journal,"
Our Pioneer Heritage 10 (1967):195-213.
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Photo Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
I, Truman O. Angell, am the third son of James W. Angell, who was the son of Solomon Angell; all natives of the state of Rhode Island. My mother’s name is Phebe, who was the daughter of Abraham Morton. I was born on the 5th day of June, 1810, in the town of North Providence, state of Rhode Island; and lived in the vicinity of my birthplace until I arrived at the age of twenty-one.
While yet but a stripling of 5 or 6 years, family difficulties occurred, which caused a separation of my parents; and thus having no father to restrain me, I pleased myself; and did many things I ought not. My mother having seven children to support, and nothing but her hands for her fortune, it can readily be seen that means of commencing an education were very limited; what I have received was gotten in winter schools, and very little at that.
When I was about 9 years old, my father returned to his family; but I was shortly after sent from home, and returned only at distant intervals. At the age of 17, I commenced learning the carpenter and joiner’s trade under the instruction of a man in the neighborhood of my father’s residence; and continued with him until I was 19. About this time I first felt an earnest desire to become a subject of Christianity, and for some months made an earnest supplication before the Lord; and from then on, my mischievous life and shortcomings were laid aside; and I have ever since tried to do what was right; feeling that God required it. I joined the Freewill-Baptist Church, and always retained a good standing while among them.
Sympathy for my mother’s sufferings, in consequence of the conduct of my father toward her, caused me at the age of 21 to remove her to myself among her friends. Her trials were truly great; she almost sank under them; but my sympathies were with her. The following fall I journeyed, taking my mother with me to her kinfolks, brothers and sisters who resided at China, Genesee County, New York State, where I settled, and soon after I married Polly Johnson. The following January, being nearly 23 years old, I, with my mother and wife embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by the Latter-day Saints, through instrumentality of Elders Aaron Lyons and Leonard Rich. And five weeks thereafter, I was ordained an Elder under the hands of Elder Lyons. The spring following I went on a mission in company with Elder Joseph Holbrook; we were absent about 9 weeks; traveled about five hundred miles, preaching daily; and went as far east as Rhode Island. In the month of July following, I, in company with my wife, moved to a place about 45 miles eastward called Lima; my mother preferred to stay behind. At this last place our first child was born, being a daughter; and but a short time after, the mournful intelligence burnt upon us of the persecutions against the brethren in the state of Missouri; and their extermination from Jackson County of that state.
My heart burned with anguish; I sent them a stand of arms; but my extremely low circumstances and the counsel of Elder Orson Pratt and others, who were made acquainted with my situation by Hyde Bishop (this without my knowledge), prevented me from joining the [Zion’s] “Camp” and going up myself to the rescue of the brethren. After a residence of about a year and a half in Lima, I moved to Kirtland, Ohio, in the fall of 1835, arriving one Saturday about 4 or 5 o’clock p.m. The next day, Sunday, meeting assembled in the Temple on a loose floor which had been arranged for carpenters’ benches etc., the house was partly filled, the people being seated on work benches and other things. President Joseph Smith, [Jr.,] during the meeting, arose to speak upon an order he had given to Oliver Cowdery to seek out a book for a Church Record; for such must be kept; this had been complied with, a good book had been selected and it pleased President Smith.
The book was not paid for, but was to be returned to Painesville if it did not suit; and the Prophet said he would be glad to have the Saints donate the amount, about $12.50, and make the purchase, and keep the book; it being of good paper and thoroughly well bound. A man arose near the middle of the house and said he wanted the leaves counted to see if it would not be better to buy the paper by the ream, the difference being that we might put it in a newspaper, or something of the kind. Brother Joseph spoke out and said the devil could not raise his head there, but he would know him. I note this to show the little means with which the Church was obliged to commence the history of a people destined to become great.
I immediately commenced working upon the House of the Lord, known as the Kirtland Temple, and continued until its dedication, previous to which I had received my first endowments, which were conducted in the upper chambers or attic, this part of the house having been finished and prepared for use. The roof was supported by four trusses, which left us five rooms. In these same rooms the power of God was made manifest to encourage us wonderfully.
After the endowment, I was ordained a member of the 2nd Quorum of Seventies and the following spring I commenced making arrangements to go on a mission. While I yet had a day or two more work, and while at work, Joseph Smith, Jr., the Prophet and Seer came to me and asked me to build a store. I answered that in consequence of being a seventy I was about to go out into the vineyard to preach. “Well,” he said, “Go ahead,” and I continued my work. The next day I looked up and saw the First Presidency of the Church together, distant about forty rods. I dropped my head and continued my work.
At this time a voice seemed to whisper to me, “It is your duty to build that house for President Smith,” and while I was meditating, I looked up and Brother Joseph Smith, Jr., was close to me. He said, “It is your duty to build that house.” I answered, “I know it.” Accordingly I changed my determination and yielded obedience. The numerous and continued calls to do this and that job soon plunged me in business so deep that I asked Brother Joseph if it was my calling to work at home. He said, “I’ll give you work enough for twenty men.” I then began work on an extensive scale and laid my plans to go ahead. Among the multiplicity of buildings under my charge, I had the supervision of finishing the second, or middle wall of the temple, including the stands, etc.
After some months passed in this manner, persecution commenced against the Heads of the Church in consequence of the failure of the Bank of Kirtland. This institution would have been a financial success and a blessing to the Saints–which they needed very much–had the Gentiles who borrowed the money of the bank fulfilled their promises. Also [Warren Parrish] Parish, the clerk and cashier, robbed the bank of about $20,000. These things crippled the bank and caused it to suspend business soon after; and false brethren in consequence forced President Smith to Missouri, seemingly to save himself.
I settled with President Smith before he left, and upon settling with my creditors, not having carried in a bill sufficient to cover my expenses, found that I was in debt $300.00 over my avails. I had to take the benefit of the Bankrupt Law which leaves a portion of this amount standing against one at this day. I here desire to mention a few more items in connection with the [Kirtland] Temple. The work on the lower hall went on to the finishing of the stands and pews or slips, plastering and painting complete.
About this time Frederick G. Williams, one of President Smith’s counselors, came into the temple when the following dialogue took place in my presence:
Carpenter Rolph said, “Doctor, what do you think of the House?” He answered, “It looks to me like the pattern precisely.” He then related the following:
“Joseph received the word of the Lord for him to take his two counselors, [Frederick G.] Williams and [Sidney] Rigdon, and come before the Lord and He would show them the plan or model of the house to be built. We went upon our knees, called on the Lord, and the building [Kirtland Temple] appeared within viewing distance. I being the first to discover it. Then all of us viewed it together. After we had taken a good look at the exterior, the building seemed to come right over us, and the makeup of this hall seemed to coincide with what I there saw to a minutia.”
Joseph was accordingly enabled to dictate to the mechanics and his counselors stood as witnesses, and this was strictly necessary in order to satisfy the spirit of unbelief in consequence of the weakness or childishness of the brethren of those days. The following are a few items which transpired about this time. One I will note:
Joseph came into the hall. The leading mechanic, John Carl, by profession a carriage builder, wanted to seat the house contrary to what Joseph had proposed. Joseph answered him that he had seen the inside of every building that had been built unto the Lord upon this earth and he hated to have to say so. Under such childlike feeling, they prepared to dedicate the lower hall. The hall was filled at an early hour in the afternoon, I being present among the rest. The dedicatory prayer was offered, Sidney Rigdon being mouth.
When about midway during the prayer, there was a glorious sensation passed through the house [Kirtland Temple]; and we, having our heads bowed in prayer, felt a sensation very elevating to the soul. At the close of the prayer, F. [Frederick] G. Williams being in the upper east stand- -Joseph being in the speaking stand next below–rose and testified that midway during the prayer an holy angel came and seated himself in the stand. When the afternoon meeting assembled, Joseph, feeling very much elated, arose the first thing and said the personage who had appeared in the morning was the Angel Peter come to accept the dedication.
To return to my narrative. I now determined to go to Missouri. So in the spring of 1837, I made shift to get a horse and wagon and started; my whole fortune being a 50-cent piece and our needful clothing. The very first day out the singletree broke, and I had to pay a part of the 50 cents to have it repaired. The landlord where I stopped challenged the genuineness of the piece of silver, and struck it with a hammer expecting to see it fly to pieces. After seeing that he ruined the coin, he refused to give me the change due. Also my horse proved balky; so with a rickety wagon, a balky horse, not a penny in my pocket, a family to feed and a thousand miles to go, times looked bad enough. Fortunately I was en route with Brother James Holman, who loaned me $5.00 which I paid to a man with whom I exchanged horses. This horse proved a good one, and by selling off some of our children’s Sunday suits we were enabled to proceed about 200 miles.
I then stopped and worked three weeks and then went on again; and in this manner, after many severe trials and difficulties, we arrived in Missouri in the fall, having dodged the mob in sundry places in order to do so. I immediately exchanged my horse for ten acres of land but was destined not to enjoy it, for the spirit of mobocracy raging around all our settlements in this state. Three days after my arrival I was forced on the march and remained so until the exterminating proclamation by Governor Boggs was issued, which was to take effect in the spring following, when I was once more turned upon a coldhearted world, friendless and penniless, and in mid-winter, forced to fly for my life and no means of doing so, my land not being available. I retreated to Illinois, leaving my wife and children as I had no means of taking them with me. I succeeded in getting employment about 5 miles from Quincy, from Heil Travis, framing a barn, agreeing to receive my pay in provisions preparatory for my family when arriving.
At the close of March, after having been seven weeks without news from my family, word reached me at 9 o’clock at night that they had arrived on the opposite bank of the Mississippi River, at which my heart greatly rejoiced. I arose before light and started to meet them. I had eleven miles to go. After crossing the river and wading five miles in mud and water, through brush and timber, I found those I sought in a tent of blankets on the west side of the East Fabus River. Here a scene presented itself to my view that will long be remembered by me. There lay my poor sick wife, her bed upon the melting snow, very ill. My two little ones, the last one was born in Ohio, were by her side, their clothes almost burned off from standing by log campfires. No one to care for them, all the brethren and sisters having cares enough of their own, though they were kind beyond what could be expected.
The River Fabus having risen to the top of its banks and carried off the ferry boat, I was debarred for one week and until another could be built by the halting company which had here gathered, the privilege of taking my wife to a place of comfort. I learned that my wife had been extremely ill before starting, and yet she ventured on the journey. But taking cold upon cold, she was reduced so low that but little hopes were entertained of her living to see me again. Upon crossing the river six days after, I found a home at the saint, Heil Travis farm, who treated us with a parent’s kindness and ministered to our wants.
My wife’s health partially returned, but she has never been able to work much since. We lived at this farm for about two years and then moved to Nauvoo where I am at this writing, having been here over four years. My privations, the persecutions, sickness of my family and missions have tended to keep me low in purse, but my health is improving. I had steady employment upon the [Nauvoo] Temple, having been appointed superintendent of joiner work under Architect William Weeks, and God gave me wisdom to carry out the architect’s designs which gained me the goodwill and esteem of the brethren.
Persecutions have been so frequent that I scarce think of it. But I will say that I suffered much- -in common with the rest of my brethren–during the persecutions in which the Prophet and Patriarch lost their lives.
The [Nauvoo] Temple was, at this writing, October 28, 1845, enclosed, and the inside work progressing very rapidly. The attic was finished up complete and made ready for endowments, while the lower rooms, basement and lower hall were going on. I received my endowments in the aforesaid attic, together with Polly, my wife, and afterward our sealing and second anointings, which far excelled any previous enjoyments of my life up to that time. At the time when the first encampment of the brethren–the Twelve and others–left Nauvoo, William Weeks, the architect, was taken away with them.
This left me to bring out the design and finishing of the lower hall which was fully in my charge from then on to its completion, and was dedicated by a few of us, Brother Orson Hyde taking charge, he having come back from the encampment of the Twelve for that purpose.
The Church is compelled in consequence of persecution throughout the entire state of Illinois being so heavy, its army arrayed against us, the determination being to destroy, to flee to the mountains according to the command of the Lord; this being our only chance of safety. I was chosen to go to the west in company with the pioneers, at which my heart greatly rejoiced. After the dedication of the [Nauvoo] Temple my exertions were made to gather up an outfit to leave for the west. The committee in charge was instructed to furnish me a rig, the best they could, which detained me until late in the summer; they not having the power to get it earlier. I was furnished two wagons which needed thorough repairing. After getting them ready, I put all my affairs into them and crossed the Mississippi River to the opposite bank, waiting at the camp for cattle and means to buy provisions. The cattle which were furnished me were young and unbroken.
I got some provisions and a rig and started for Winter Quarters. On my way I was taken with chills and fever, which was very severe. I got two Negroes to act as teamsters who took me through to the Missouri. The effects of this sickness lurked about me all winter, leaving me faint and feeble. This was the place of rendezvous for the Pioneers before starting for the Valley early in the spring following.
My hope and faith were in a future state. I was one of the Pioneers in coming to and making a home for the Saints in Utah in 1847, and returned to Winter Quarters. The following winter I made a fitout and took my family, in the spring, and started for our new home, arriving in Utah in the fall with an ox team, a distance of over 1000 miles, moving my sick wife on her back every rod of the way, having two children with us, having buried three in Winter Quarters. Soon after my arrival I was chosen architect for the Church–the former architect, William Weeks, having deserted and left for the east, thereby taking himself from the duties of the said office–which position I hold to this day. (1883)
Previous to my mission to Europe, Susan Eliza Savage and Mary Ann Johnson were sealed to me. I had been absent about 13 months when I was called home; my presence being needed upon the temple.
After I was called to be architect of the Church, the buildings of almost every description throughout the Territory and especially Salt Lake were placed in my charge. I will not mention all of them for they could not well be remembered. But I mention the Salt Lake Temple and the one at St. George. I was notified that they wanted a temple for St. George about the size of the Nauvoo Temple. Business crowding me so much, I had to take up the design at sundry times. While the authorities were at St. George, I accomplished the design, and not knowing that it would suit them, I did not follow it out in its specifications and details to my usual full arrangements. The plans were accepted and the building started. In consequence of the lack of my full specifications, I was obliged to visit that place several times at inclement seasons of the year during the erection, which wore upon my system so much that I never have fully recovered myself in strength and ambition.
While there upon one of my visits, I craved a blessing and received the following from Patriarch John Smith:
“Brother Truman, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, I place my hands upon thy head agreeably to thy request and seal upon thee a blessing for thy comfort and consolation. Thou art of Joseph out of the loins of Ephraim, and entitled to all the blessings promised to his posterity by his father, Jacob, because of thine integrity. Thy guardian Angel hath watched over thee and borne thee up in times of danger, and preserved thy life from enemies both seen and unseen, and will continue to do so all thy days. Thou shalt lack no good thing. Thy way shall be clear before thee to the accomplishment of all thy labours, for thy desire is for Israel.
Thy mind shall be bright; thy perceptive faculties clear to carry out thy labors for the dead and the living of thy kindred. All thy former gifts and blessings I renew upon thee, with all thou canst desire or imagine in righteousness. Fear not, for the Lord thy God loves thee, and will lift thee up to see thy Savior; and stand with the Hundred and Forty-four thousand; thy wives and children with thee.
Thy joy shall be full; thy habitation peace; thy granaries filled to overflowing; and power in the Priesthood to thy hearts content, for thou shalt surely overcome all thine enemies, and they shall come bending before thee for favors. For thou shalt be a mighty man in Israel and see thy children walk in thy footsteps serving the Lord with all their hearts.
These blessings with Eternal Life I seal upon thee in faithfulness, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”
The Manti and Logan temples I was called to take in charge, but in consequence of their being about 100 miles either way, they were taken off my hands; for they needed the care of the Architects and builders on the grounds, and were accordingly placed in charge of my two assistants, T. [Truman] O. Angell, Jr., taking the Logan Temple and William H. Folsom the one at Manti. The labor on the Salt Lake Temple needed me here to conduct it properly.
Before closing this writing I desire to mention an important incident in connection with the Kirtland Temple. After the building was dedicated, a few of us, some six or eight, having Patriarch Joseph Smith, Sr., in company, went morning and evening to pray, entering at the west end of the [Kirtland] Temple and going clear through to the east stand. This we enjoyed very much. The stand being enclosed by curtains or veils made it quite by itself and a good place to pray with none to molest. One evening, having been in the country, I was too late to enter with the brethren. The company would not emerge till quite dark. I had tried the door and knew they were at prayer. I felt out of place and went to my house, but soon came out and met Brother Brigham Young, inquiring for Oliver Cowdery. I said I had not seen him.
We walked out towards the [Kirtland] Temple, approaching the building on the side which was used for the Prophet Joseph and his counselors, a portion of the attic on the east being especially appropriated to their use. In the said attic, and right over the stand where the brethren were praying in the hall below were two windows in the gable end to help give light to his compartment or room, the windows being 12 or 14 feet apart, and unusually high from the floor; being nearly 4 feet to the bottom of the lower sash.
When about ten rods distant we looked up and saw two personages; before each window, leaving and approaching each other like guards would do. This continued until quite dark. As they were walking back and forth, one turned his face to me for an instant; but while they walked to and fro, only a side view was visible. I have no doubt that the house was guarded, as I have had no other way to account for it.
I insert this note thinking it may do someone good as it has me. With great fatigue, I have arrived at the present date, March 20, 1884. — Truman Osborn Angell, Sr., T. J. Angell: Scribe
P.S. The panoramic statements as above given are not intended for Church history, for that is designed for the Church historian; and hence my brief account may be accounted for as herein set forth. But I might not be noted in that history, for their account is for Church purposes and not for me. But I was eyewitness to much as I passed on to date, 1884, and took my share, I think. Here let me conclude my ramble. I feel very feeble in health and about worn out, so farewell to all my true friends. May the Lord bless you in doing right. — T. O. Angell.
Upon reflection, I observe an item in connection with the sealings of Susan Eliza and Mary Ann to me that should have been noted. These ceremonies were private but not over the altar, and were by President Brigham Young’s own mouth. — T. O. Angell, Sr. MISSION–1856
On or about the first of April 1856, I was asked by President Brigham Young, at his table in the presence of Jedediah M. Grant and many of the President’s family, if it would be agreeable to my feelings to visit Europe, and in answer to his question I told him that the labors of my office were very fatiguing and crowded upon me farther than I could attend to them, and that I did desire temporary relief. Accordingly the subject was laid before the general conference which assembled on the sixth of the same month, and I was appointed by the unanimous vote of the conference to visit Europe. April 3rd I met with the President and his counsel and received the following blessing, under the hands of President Brigham Young and others, President Young being mouth:
“Brother Truman O. Angell: In the name of Jesus Christ, we lay our hands upon your head and dedicate you unto God and consecrate you and set you apart unto your mission, even to go to Europe, and such countries and places as the way may open for you to travel, and as far as you may have opportunities, open your mouth and bear witness to the things of God unto all people and the Lord will bless you and pour out His Holy Spirit upon you and you shall rejoice in your mission. You shall have power and means to go from place to place, from country to country and view the various specimens of architecture that you may desire to see, and you will wonder at the works of the ancients and marvel to see what they have done; and you will be quick to comprehend the architectural designs of men in various ages, and you will rejoice all the time, and take drafts of valuable work of architecture and be better qualified to continue your work and you will increase in knowledge upon the temple and other buildings and many will wonder at the knowledge you possess. And as far as you have opportunity, open your mouth among the Saints and bear testimony of the things of God, and also while in the counsel of your brethren be not afraid to open your mouth and testify of what you know and assist them in building up the Kingdom of God; and we bless you to go and return in peace and safety, and we seal upon you all the blessings conferred upon you here before and we seal all these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
I remained about home in the city endeavoring to make my family as comfortable as I could, arranging the various plans and designs I had made of the [Salt Lake] Temple, and other buildings, and giving instructions concerning them to the various foremen, that they might be prepared to carry out the same, and gathering together such provision and raiment as I could, which seemed necessary for my journey. I then called my family together and blessed them, and left my peace with them. Everything seemed orderly, and on the 21st of April, I started for the mouth of Emigration Canyon, placing my traps in James Beck’s wagon, who called at my house for me, bid my family farewell and traveled 4 or 5 miles to the place of rendezvous for the Brethren going on their missions for the States and Europe. I slept with Brother Beck in his wagon, and a cold time we had of it. My health had been poor for some time previous, owing to confinement in my office which had brought on a nervous weakness which I found hard to shake off.
22nd. Arose early, got breakfast, and then voted for the camp to come together to organize, for only a portion of the Brethren came on the preceding day, about 12. We most of us got together and President B. Young, who was on the ground, organized us, appointing A. [Abraham] O. Smoot, Captain; E. [Ezra] T. Benson, Chaplain; William Miller, Captain of the guard and James Ure, Clerk, after which Brother Young gave us a few words of counsel, exhorting us to live our religion and blessed us. Our members were 44 or 45, including Judge Kinney and family, and about 14 wagons, pack horses and mules. Brother J. Beck and myself placed our traps in Captain Smoot’s and Eldredge’s wagon, so there were 4 of us to this one wagon and as it was small, only 2 could sleep in it, so I and Brother Beck had to lay on the ground. . . .
May 3rd. It soon became cloudy. I made my bed on the sand amid sagebrush; soon after I had laid down, it commenced to rain. I covered up my head and went to sleep, or tried to. It soon turned to snowing and fell fast; the sun in the middle of the day had so warmed the earth that the snow melted, and the wet soon found its way to me; but it would not do to get up, so I laid and took it quietly till daylight. . . .
4th. We camped the best way we could; by this time the snow had fell [fallen] some 6 or 8 inches deep, and still falling as though it would never cease. We got our axes going and soon had fuel but the next thing was to start a fire, which we managed after awhile; but it remained a doubtful point how soon we would get warm and our things dry. At the same time, the animals had to have our bedding fastened on to them. We took a part of our flour and made some porridge and gave them to drink, and in this way kept them alive, and cheered up our own hearts. Night came on, and storm did not cease. We fixed the best we could for campfires, the willows making a better shield than nothing. Brother Beck had a piece of an old wagon cover; this we put up on the windward side of the fire and fastened it. We then cut willows and laid them down on the snow, placing such things on them as we could muster to make up a bed with, and then we spent a most glorious night long to be remembered. . . .
5th. I felt weak but had no time to notice it. All the Saints appeared to cheerfully do their duties; we remembered the Lord, as we had done all our journey, morning and evening, by assembling together and praying. We gathered up some willows for our fires and thus we felt resigned for the night.
6th. Arose this morning from an open bedroom, such as had no wagons to sleep in, and found one of the animals (Judge Kinney’s) dead and the other one nearly so. . . . I stood guard till 12 and then took a nap the best way I could on that occasion, but oh, my weary body. . . .
8th. I have been robbed of a home, I have been afflicted in body; but never did I feel in a tighter place than this journey has placed me in. . . .
11th. Captain Smoot got me a place in a tent tonight. This made me comfortable, I must say, and may the Lord bless him for his fatherly care. . . .
12th. We, in a few days, came to the South Fork of the Platte, found it flowing from bank to bank; but some 6 or 8 of us pulled off our clothing, formed them in a pack by placing them in our shirts, placing our bundles on our backs, and started into the water ahead of our teams. . . Soon after leaving the Platte, we began to meet camps of Emigrants bound for California; some taking large herds of young cattle; some cows; others mules and some of the finest jackasses that I ever saw in my life. We passed many thousand head of stock. . . . We got to a place called Mormon Grove on Sunday 8th of June near noon. We found it almost deserted. I think there were 2 small poor families and they were put in jeopardy all the time. They were Welsh Saints. We learned how the claim stood. In the first place the government of the U. S. [United States] in declaring Kansas a Territory, permitted its settlers to make claim at random in any part of said Territory. This being the case as it was not surveyed, all can see the propriety of this right, for settlers to hold possession of their improvements, and at the same time have guaranteed to them the purchase of soil when surveyed, and in the market. Now we have before us the true position on which a few of the Latter-day Saints settled the farm called the Farm at Mormon Grove; a little to the one side of a fine grove of timber of say 80 or 100 acres of rather scattered trees, I saw a field enclosed by a sod fence embankment 4 feet high and [a] ditch 4 feet wide, nearly all round the field. I should think the field contained over 100 acres in it. This field had been mostly cultivated, there was a good double log house on it, in which the above families dwelt. . . .
9th of June. This morning Brother G. Beck and myself walked to Atchison. Here I bought a pair of pants, a vest, a shirt and put them on, for after crossing the plains one feels like shedding his coat. . . . We arrived at St. Louis on the 12th at 3 p.m. . . . Brother Orson Pratt let me have some money to pay my passage to England, and on the 17th I went to the railroad office in St. Louis and paid my fare to New York City. . . .
21st. I arrived in New York City early this morning. I took my traps to Lovejoy’s Hotel and placed them in a private room which I had taken, and then I went and sought for the “Mormon Office.” . . . It was soon rumored that I was in New York. N. H. Felt and others wanted me to tarry with them . . .
23rd. I left today for Rhode Island on a steamboat bound for Stonington.
24th. Took my trunk to a hotel nearby and then walked one-half mile up town, where I inquired after my relatives on my father’s side.
25th. Rose early, took breakfast and was soon in town; at 11 stepped into a Rail Carriage for Boston; got there before I p.m.; found out the Packet Office, paid my fare to Liverpool. . . . About 5 p.m. stepped in cars for Providence; got there in season to walk to the place whence I started from in the morning to cousin W. W. A’s. . . .
July 1st. I bid my relatives farewell. I found I could leave for Boston at 11 a.m. and as this hour arrived I stepped in a car and started for the steamship, East Boston some 42 miles. When I got there I found I should have to seek for lodgings and board in another quarter. I left my trunk at the ship’s warehouse and went out into the more dense part of Boston which is approached from the Old Boston by steam ferries. I saw a policeman and inquired of him for a respectable boarding house. He kindly escorted me to one. The board and bed were good. The policeman was a blessing to me, or at least I felt so. I will here remark that as I left St. Louis and approached the Eastern States, the wicked men in charge of the stations and on the rail carriages were so ungentlemanly that they scarcely gave me a civil answer while en route for New York. They seemed as though they would as soon rob a man as eat, and as a general thing I thought I could see that peace was taken from them. All the way through the States their whole aim was to get rich no matter how they did it. This was the spirit of the times, thus you see the necessity of me trying to find a protector by calling on a policeman.
July 2nd. Arose in good season, walked out and took a good look at Boston and Charleston Shipping. . . . I went down to the steamship, got there between 8 and 9. . . . By 12 o’clock we went aboard ship; here I found O. [Orson] Pratt, E. [Ezra] T. Benson, P. [Phineas] H. Young and Brother Hatch and myself, making 5 in number. We were a happy company. I had not seen any of them since I left St. Louis. I could say it seemed like my Heavenly Father’s “Boys” . . . .
13th. About 7 p.m. we made fast in the Mercy River opposite Liverpool and fired off 2 guns, the Custom House Officer came on board and searched our trunks and baggage. . . . About 11 o’clock five of us got in a cab and drove to 42 Islington. We knocked at the door and were soon welcomed by Brother Franklin D. Richards. . . .
14th. I arose and took some breakfast with Brother Richards and then went below into the office. Here came in Brother John Kay, the President of the Liverpool Conference. . . . 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th. I received a letter signed F. D. Richards, inviting me to visit Birmingham to attend a Conference of the Elders, Pastors and Presidents of England, Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia, etc., which was to come off on Sunday the 20th. I showed the daguerreotypes I had with me and asked for counsel on them. I stated what I wanted to get done and was referred to Fred K. Piercy, he being at the office 42 Islington. Brothers Pratt and Richards spoke to him on the subject. He agreed to assist me by seeing such engravers as he was acquainted with. He promised to send me a note, so I left it in his hands urging him to be expeditious, and he promised he would.
19th. Saturday Pastor C. R. Dana, John Kay and myself left for Birmingham and started at 7:45 a.m. and arrived at 3 p.m., distance 91 miles; arrived in peace and was made welcome by the Saints. . . .
20th. We adjourned at one to breathe a little and get refreshments and came together at 2 p.m. when O. [Orson] Pratt laid several sub- jects before the Elders pertaining to his mission, etc. Among the rest my case was laid before the Brethren. He said I was to have a roving mission to visit many countries and places, and he further said that President Young wished someone to travel with me. He moved that John Kay be the Elder to attend me, which was carried. He then said he had orders to furnish me means, but he could not furnish means to my partner. Therefore he counseled the Pastors and Presidents to help my partner. Brother James Marsden was chosen to take the charge of the Liverpool Conference in place of John Kay. The business now was done, or nearly so; but as Brother Richards was pressed with business and soon to leave for Salt Lake, all the business of books and invoices of all properties were to be passed over into the hands of President O. [Orson] Pratt. Therefore Brother O. Pratt and Richards and 2 or 3 others left for Liverpool. It was then moved and carried that we continue our meeting tomorrow and so give all a chance to speak and enjoy themselves. We then adjourned till next day 10 a.m.
23rd. Came together pursuant to adjournment. The elders were called to speak as they felt and a good feeling seemed to prevail and pervade the mind of all present. I spoke among the rest and stated the interest I felt for the cause of Zion, how glad I was and how I rejoiced that I was numbered amongst the children of the Most High. I further stated how my business had tended to wear me down in body and that by casting all off for a season, I was in shape to get recruited and return invigorated and refreshed. There was a donation taken up to get Brothers J. M. Grant, E. T. Benson and, I think, G. Young gold watches. I think some 54 or 55 were donated. They appointed a committee consisting of John Kay, William Miner and J. D. Rop to make the purchase. We then adjourned.
24th. After breakfast, stepped across the street and booked for Liverpool, 91 miles by way of Birken.
25th and 26th. Walking around Liverpool and looking at their best buildings.
28th, 29th. At 6 p.m. I received a note from F. Piercy stating that he had sought after the engraver who he expected to engrave the Temple Plate for me and he could not be found. He further proposed to engrave the said Temple Plate for 40 and make a good job of it.
31st. I concluded to give Piercy the job and sent him a note to that effect. I kept my room and nursed myself, took some composition tea. I felt fatigued but my spirit rejoiced.
August 4th. I called at 42 Islington; I found a note addressed to me from F. Piercy stating he wanted to see me at 28 Judd Place, New Road, London. I received the above about 12 and at quarter past 1 p.m. I had been to Rupert Street and got my carpet sack and change of clothing, and returned to Lime Street Station, booked for London and got on board the cars. . . .
5th. Went to 28 Judd Place where I met F. Piercy at noon. We talked the matter over about many parts of the temple. I gave him all the instruction he asked for.
7th. . . . I walked out and viewed 2 churches and took a peep at a gas works where they make over 2 million feet per year. . . .
11th. After breakfast, I walked to Gervin Street with Brother Kelsey. We went from there to Brother Grimsdale’s, No. 8 New Inn Broadway and took dinner, after which he invited us up in his chamber or turning shop. He showed us his lathes–he is a fancy turner. We left here and visited the London Monument. We ascended it and looked at the Metropolis as far as our eyes would extend and time would permit and purchased a pamphlet which I can read for further particulars concerning this building. . . .
12th. Arose about 7 a.m. and took breakfast and waited for Brother Kelsey till 11 (he last evening went to his family. He is President over the Branches of the Church this side of the Thames under Brother W. Budge.) He is my pilot. He took me to dine with Brother Mitchell at No. 10 Millers Lane, Oswell. After taking dinner and chatting awhile about the affairs of Zion, we left for the Thames. Here we stepped aboard a small steamer and made for London Bridge and there changed steamers and started for Woolwich, arrived at 4:30 p.m. The scenery was pleasant. We noticed some of the most striking buildings as we passed: The Bishop of Canterbury’s residence on our right, on our left Westminster Abbey and New Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Wellington Monument and many towers, among the rest The Tower of London, the steamship now being built at the Isle of Dogs, Greenwich Colleges and Observatory. On our right fine bridges, shipping and other things too numerous to mention.
13th. We saw to our right something of a striking nature called the “Rotunda.” We went to it and viewed the remains of armories, old guns, forts in miniature and miniature cannon, etc. The most of these seemed to be models of an early date, and further here were many different kinds of implements that had been taken by conquest in different engagements. And inside of the Rotunda were many old guns that had been used of a very extensive length, etc. These I looked at till I was tired. We were piloted by Brother Piercy.
16th. After breakfast, Brother Kelsey and myself visited the new Houses of Parliament. A Sister Brown got the tickets for us. I shall not make any lengthy notes of them, but I must say that it was burdened with ornaments till it became sickening. I had to think the object of decorating so much was to excel rather than to display anything like a reasonable taste. I purchased a book that gives a full description of the affair. . . .
18th. Arose and after breakfast visited Brother Ferguson, who took me to see Brother Alfred Ward, 21 Vineyard Gardens, Bowling Green Lane, Cleckenwell. He has invented a plan to describe an elliptic arch. I must say it was the only article of the kind I have heard of or seen that I could make use of on paper drawing to an advantage. . . .
20th. . . . We went to London Bridge, 2 miles further. Went on, heard a steamer for suspension bridge, landed at the sight pier which stood out in the Thames; walked to the National Gallery with which I was not impressed; after having a good look at the paintings and the building we went to Astleys Amphitheater, saw Richard III performed.
21st. Arose and got something to eat and then went to visit the Tower of London. . . . I bought a pamphlet that gives a full description of it.
22nd. Arose, got breakfast and walked to London Bridge, about 2 miles and paid my fare to the Crystal Palace and back. I stayed there some 7 or 8 hours. The affair is grand, I will not attempt to pretend to describe it, but sum it up by saying it is intended to exhibit the genius of England as well as to exhibit many foreign articles from other nations. And it is a grand affair.
25th, 26th and 27th. Brother John Kay and myself visited many places during these past days. We went through St. Paul’s Cathedral from bottom to the top. I purchased a guide for the particulars of said building, read that; the most I could say of it was that it was a national show, and when the people want to make a show with their money, such buildings may be built, that can be easily matched. We were at some of the best theatres in London. There is but little difference as a general thing in the formation of the buildings. . . .
28th. This morning we visited the Crystal Palace but shall say nothing more about it at present. If I can manage to spend some 2 weeks, I think I could find things yet worthy of mention; whether I shall or not I cannot say. . . .
29th. Rose early, 5 a.m. Went to the station and booked for Liverpool. . . .
Sept. 20th. Went to 42 Islington in the forenoon and arranged some of the papers relative to the Temple. . . .
21st. Sunday. The day has now come for me to get inside of a refinery, through the courtesy of Brother Tilley, he having arranged through the foreman and engineer of the works. The building is some 4 stories high besides the basement. All the beams, joists and floor were iron. There were steam pipes from the boilers through all the rooms to heat them for the purpose of hastening the drying, etc. The sugar is not made here from the raw material but is refined and cleansed. . . . I came to 20 Rupert Street and wrote a note to Brother John Scott at Belfast, Ireland, asking him to inquire if there was a sugar factory in that land or not where they use the beet root, etc. and if he could hear of one to send me word.
22nd,23rd. . . . In the forepart of this day I prepared a few lines for the Belfast Morning News, as they hold open the columns of that paper for any questions being asked. My inquiries were with the editor of that paper to furnish me with the success that the Irish People had obtained in manufacturing sugar from the beet, etc. Where those factories were, etc. I signed T.O.A. The editor put in his paper my request and as he could not answer me, he called on his patrons to furnish him if they could with an answer, and in a few days one came out saying there was at Mount Mellick a factory.
24th. Received a note from Brother Scott, stating there had been 3 factories in operation in that land and he was under the impression that I would learn the things I wanted to know, so I arranged to sail on the evening of the 29th.
29th. Spent the forepart of the day in getting ready for my visit to Ireland, and at 5 p.m. went to the dock and stepped on board the steamboat for Belfast. . . .
October 11th. Brother Scott took me to the Dublin Museum of Irish arts of industry, etc. This may be said to be interesting, for by going through this building as we did our eyes could have a glance at nearly all the accomplishments of Ireland. I cannot think of trying to give an invoice of the affair. They have in this house a lecture room and I understood at many set times they have lectures on various subjects delivered by the learned, and the whole is managed by a president. The portion I shall notice in my journal will be sugar from the beet root, for here I saw it in all the stages, from the pulp to the refined sugar. . . .
13th. Went with Brother Scott to Phoenix Park and Zoological Gardens, the Lord Lieutenant’s private residence. The Duke of Wellington’s Monument. The Sarah Bridge (a span of say 100 feet) of which there was only one arch (it was stone). All these scenes were pleasing for a stranger to gaze on, but not worthy of my making any remarks on. The architecture of these places was not very remarkable. . . .
14th. After breakfast I and Brother Scott walked to the museum and found that Sir Robert Kane had been in, but had stepped out. We were invited to step in and look at the museum and the servant would call us when he came in. In one-half hour they called us. I told Brother Scott to be mouth. I told him the head of what I wanted to find out as he was loose on the tongue, and he can talk to a stranger. All being done we walked down and the servant took us into his office. He said to us, “What do you want to see me about?” On which Brother Scott answered, “We have been told that you have written a large work on Irish Improvements, among which you have treated on the beet root sugar, and further stated, “As we found specimens in that museum of the sugar, we concluded to approach you.” Sir Robert, feeling flattered, told us all he could and referred us to Mount Mellick some 50 miles in the country. He gave us the name of one of his acquaintances, once a clerk of the affair, now in Dublin. He also handed us a report he had made out for the English Parliament by their request–a printed pamphlet. We thanked him and withdrew . . .
Oct. 17th. Received a note from Fred K. Piercy, calling for 15 on the Temple Engravings. It was addressed to 42 Islington and had been remailed to me to Belfast and from there to Dublin. I wrote a note to F. Piercy how the matter stood, telling him I would be in Liverpool in a few days. I sent a note 2 or 3 days ago stating that I had got out of means and must have some 5 to clear me and bring me to Liverpool. This morning I received 5 from there. I stirred around and got it changed. I had a pull for it. I then paid my bills and fixed to leave. Today travelled 5 miles. . . .
20th. Liverpool. Commenced this morning a letter to Brother B. [Brigham] Young upon the subject of the beet root sugar factory. After dinner I walked down to 42 Islington and prepared a note for Fred Piercy. In it I enclosed 15 requiring him to send me a receipt by return of post, then returned to Rupert Street. . . .
28th. Getting Brother Marsden to copy my letter to Brother Brigham, he being expert with his pen. The letter reads as follows:
20 Rupert Street, Liverpool, Oct. 28, 1856 President B. Young
Dear President:
This morning I set down for the purpose of addressing you upon the subject of the Beet Root and Sugar Factory. Although this subject does not command the confidence of many in our Mountain home, yet, I am happy to say, I have great confidence in the ultimate success of our sugar factory. Notwithstanding that some difficulties may have to be overcome, I support a man should be called on to make a boot who had never learned the trade of bootmaking, what could be expected from his first attempt? If he possessed considerable ingenuity he might select and cut up a piece of good leather but certainly would not make a very fine boot; by perseverance, however, he might ultimately become a good workman in which case many persons would rejoice in his perseverance. This may suffice for a text. Since I came to England my mind continues to be drawn out for the prosperity of Zion in the West. But to get a thorough knowledge of a thing so difficult as making sugar from the Beet Root, requires much time, patience and perseverance. The knowledge of this precept is confined to a few individuals and they are by no means anxious to communicate this information to others. To enter France in search of this information seemed to me a dark prospect, but having learned that the manufacture of sugar from the Beet Root had been tried in Ireland, I determined on visiting that place. Accordingly, on the 29th September, I took steamer for Belfast where I was met by Brother John Scott, who showed me great kindness. After counselling with him in private, he being an Irishman, I appointed him my spokesman. After casting about some 2 weeks, we determined on visiting Mount Mellick, a country place some 45 miles from Dublin where there is a Sugar Factory. We took up our quarters at the best Hotel in the town. We then obtained an introduction to the master of the Factory. We told him we were strangers from America and that we were referred to him by several influential persons in Dublin. He received us very kindly and seemed to think us men of some consequence. He promptly volunteered to render us all the assistance in his power. He showed us some specimens of sugar made from the Beet, which could not be surpassed in any country by sugar made from the cane. He then sent for the engineer, a man from Belgium, who spoke bad English. This man conducted us through the factory. This not being the working season, the machinery was standing still and this caused them to allow us to have a full view of the whole affair. I was disappointed in finding this building a very awkward, unwieldy object. The cistern of the factory is similar to ours in the Valley. Owing to our having a wrong view of defacation [defecation], we allowed the steam to condense in the Beet juice. This was not the proper way. I find the defacation [defecation] here was done in pans quite similar to those we have except that instead of the pans having double bottoms they have a coil of pipe placed in the bottom to admit the steam, and this pipe not being perforated prevents the steam from being condensed in the beet juice. In consequence of condensing the steam in the juice we had several barrels of water to boil out of it. They have six defacating [defecating] pans that will hold 250 gallons each but I think if those 2 double bottom pans, termed by us heaters, were placed where these defacating [defecating] tubs now stand the result would be good, for the same pipe from the boilers is arranged nearly right to suit those pans. I would say had I been the purchaser of the machinery etc., I could have suited myself much better than with such as we have got, but we must make the best of it now. That small pump that carried up the beet juice would have been better had it been like our large force pump. The filtering should be carried out as calculated in the plan in the valley. In Mount Mellick they use strong sheet iron about 1/8 inch riveted well together and painted white inside, and red outside. This prevents rust from getting into the juice syrup, etc., in any place. When we want vats, etc., sheet iron will do. Those set kettles may be made to do as they are by careful treatment, if however they had been arranged with coils of pipe in them to have admitted steam for the evaporating it would have been more economical as it would have saved fires and been less liable to scorch. At Mount Mellick they have Fire Pans similar to our jet kettles. They stand out on one side and steam can be turned into each coil at pleasure. They have a projection on one side like the nose of a pitcher. All the rest of the pans are covered. A funnel is fixed on the top of each in a reversed form which takes off the steam through the nose of the funnel which continues up through the roof. The nose that is spoken of is for the purpose of watching the boiling and to admit a little butter or grease to keep down the boiling, etc. At the bottom of each pan there is a draw-off cork to empty them. The syrup of these pans is only boiled to 25 “A boni”. After this it is filtered for the last time. Then it goes into the Vacuum Pan and is evaporated to grained sugar. It is let out of the pan through a sheet iron pipe or conductor into a vat about 4 feet wide 6 1/2 feet long by 2 deep. The Vacuum Pan was about like ours but the Air Pump was not, but was driven by a belt as follows: A small engine about 3 1/2 or 4 horse power with a balance wheel about 7 feet in diameter of good weight. Its pulley was fixed to this balance wheel about 7 feet diameter or nearly as large as the fly wheel. From this pulley a belt some 8 inches wide on to a pulley placed on an iron shaft 4 feet in diameter which was suspended over the Air Pump. A crank was placed on the above iron shaft which works a pitman running to the air pump which stood vertically. The Air Pump made about 40 strokes per minute. When I was called to arrange the machinery I had to be bound and tied by such as had been purchased and from that I had to make out my plan. I am certain that the pulley was hunted up and placed on the shaft of the Air Pump which was purchased for it. This pulley being too small was the foundation of the working of the whole affair. I am certain that when the vacuum pan is arranged properly nothing but skill in managing it will be required in order to do a good work. I am certain that my plan of bringing forward cold water for the injection was too limited; for I find it will require a fountain of water to supply it. Again that air pump may be removed out of the chest it is placed in. The abundance of cold water that enters the injection cock would keep the pump quite cool enough. This is evident from two cases I have seen in this country. If there was a fountain of water let in from the tail race into the basement, that injection pipe could wash to it and would draw up its own water, for this air pump has power to accomplish this. But this I leave you to draw your own conclusions upon. I find in attempting to write upon a subject that has baffled the skill and drained the purses of so many persons, that it is hard to make myself clear on the subject but still I feel certain that with perhaps care and keeping our hearts up we can make it go.
I will not at this time offer any remarks upon the plan of charring and reburning animal charcoal nor upon the chemistry of sugar making in general for this has so many things connected with it that are to be considered. I obtained, while in Ireland, a report made to the English Government by their special request of an analysis of the beetroot in various stages of its growth showing when it possesses the greatest amount of saccharin matter. This being published in pamphlet form, I trust it will be of much use to our young and growing territory. I shall try and obtain a second copy and forward it to you by mail that it may be at your disposal. I will also bring a copy with me in case the mail should fail to bring it safe, knowing that documents sent to the valley per mail have, heretofore, in some instances miscarried. This pamphlet will show to those interested, the chemical properties of the beet root.
In concluding the foregoing remarks I would say may the Lord bless all our endeavors to build up the Kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I subscribe myself,
Yours in the Gospel,
Truman O. Angell
29th. I got all my things in readiness and after dinner Brother J. Kay and I stepped down to Lynne Street Station in time to get on the cars for Manchester.
31st. Brother W. Chaft was sent to me by Brother William Oliver to conduct me to go through the new building of the Mechanics Institute. We got there about 10 and left about 5 p.m. It was a well-arranged affair and must be acknowledged as a useful arrangement and a blessing in point of showing to strangers the mechanisms of the country. For a man to enter into the affair and make himself familiar would be the work of years and, therefore, I shall not try to say much about it. . . .
November 3rd. . . . We entered what is called a Free Library, a fine building of two stories, both of which are used for books and tables. The books were next [to] the walls and the tables through the center of the rooms and seats to them so as to allow such as perused the book to have a convenient seat. The building or rooms were nearly similar to one of our chambers in the Plan of the State House, Utah Territory. We walked through the town and looked through the buildings till about 2 p.m. . . .
4th. After breakfast walked to 41 N. C. Street and Brother Oliver got a Brother Botton to pilot me to some places in the town. We went and viewed the Old Church. After looking at the outside and the hobgoblins, etc., we then went inside and took a look. It was a dark, gloomy scene, but there has been an immense deal of labor bestowed on it. . . .
10th. Brother John Kay and I walked out to see the Crystal Palace now being built which is about 1 mile from where we board; we could not go within the yard. We were about 20 rods from it at the nearest; it looked very well in the distance. They were pulling down parts of the works which were overburdened with weight. After looking at it we returned. I wrote a note to 35 Gervin Street to William Budge, telling him we would be in London in a few days.
13th. . . . Brother Budge is President over the London Mission and G. D. Rap, Pastor. They were both there when I arrived and they arranged for me to make my home at George Smith’s. . . .
15th. Arose this morning feeling ill, having taken several colds, one on the other; but I ventured out and I saw Fred Piercy. I got to his house about 11 a.m. He had the Plate of the Temple completed. I accepted it and went over and saw the printer and got his price to print per 100. Then went to 35 Gervin Street and wrote a note to Liverpool, stating I had accepted the Plate of the Temple and asked them to send me 26. . . .
18th. Brother John Kay and I started and went to Gervin Street. Here were 2 letters for me, the principal one from Brother Pratt with a draft on Brother Budge for 26. He paid me the money and I went and paid Fred Piercy. Brothers Rap and Budge took Brother John and me to the American Ambassador. He got our passports and Brother Kay and I started to the French Consul and had them accepted. . . .
19th. . . . Went to London Bridge and booked for Paris and at 10 left London and arriving at Newhaven stepped on board the steamer for Dieppe and arrived at 6 p.m. . . .
20th. . . . We find ourselves in a land where our native tongues are not worth much to help us in, only through an interpreter.
21st. Walked through the streets and viewed the city. The streets were mostly narrow but quite clean, the most popular streets containing fanciful buildings. We visited the much-viewed institution. It was a beautiful and well arranged affair. Here was to be seen a display of every kind of article seemingly that is made in the Kingdom of any note. We took a look at the exchange and Royal Palace. It was full of stores of the richest kind. . . .
23rd. Attended meeting with the French Saints. Spoke to them and had my discourse interpreted. . . .
24th. Arose early and visited many important places in the town, or city of Paris; such as, monuments, the tomb of Bonaparte and the residence of the present Emperor Napoleon.
25th. After breakfast went to the railway station about 3 miles. Got there a little before 12, took tickets and started for Havre and got there about 6:45 p.m., distance 171 miles. We were cold and hungry, took a cab and drove to 27 Rue Caroline, a distance of 1 1/2 miles; took supper and then walked 1/2 mile to an English hotel for lodgings. Had a good bed but rested poorly owing to the exposure and getting chilled. In this country they do not have many fires for the comfort of strangers, or at least, not in such houses as we have visited. The Saints in Zion should be thankful to the Lord, for the poor in Salt Lake are a thousand times more comfortable than they are in this town. My heart sickens at the horrors seen in this hemisphere.
26th. After breakfast took a look at the town. Our lodgings were near the docks and a part of the harbour and shipping lay exposed to our view. We were out about 2 hours and then went to dinner, at the house of an Englishman named May (who) had given us an invitation. He had been in the Church. He believes the gospel. He had been cut off for adultery; he seems to be naturally a good man. After dinner he walked out with us and showed us some of the old fort, We then attended the meeting of the Saints. Here I spoke a few words to them and had it interpreted. At 9 1/2 took supper and returned to our hotel. This place is said to contain 90,000 people.
27th. Arose and went to 27 Rue Caroline, took breakfast and then walked about the town, dined at a sister’s house and continued my rambles till dusk when I went to the theatre. A play in the French style. It was a beautiful theatre consisting of 4 galleries. Went to supper at 10 1/2 p.m. and then returned to my lodgings and to bed by 1/2 past 11, but did not sleep.
28th. Arose early and took the steamer for Caen, 36 miles, and then took the train for St. Low and arrived there about 10 p.m., distance 45 miles or 15 leagues. Here we stopped for the night.
29th. Arose and took 1/2 an hour walk in the fair or market. Saw the various manufactured articles made in the different parts of the country and saw the women here come forward and attend on the men. There were about as many of one as the other, and they certainly were a rude-looking set. The women seem to have to labour as hard as the men, and that too in the field. The common houses are poor and they are begging from the strangers, etc. At 2 p.m. we took train for Granville, a distance of 15 leagues or 45 miles. Arrived at about 11 p.m. and put up at a hotel for the night.
30th. Arose early this morning and took a bite of breakfast and at 8 a.m, went on board the steamer Comet for Jersey, a distance of 56 miles.
Dec. 1st, 1856. Arose this morning, suffering from a heavy cold, but kept about during the day. In the afternoon took a cab to the Oxgud Castle, a place commenced in the year 1120 (so they say) but it is a miserably poor place. . . .
4th. Arose, took breakfast, related to them some of the incidents of our journey and comforted the Saints. Administered to a mother and daughter who were afflicted. Soon had our carpet bags in hand, walked 1 1/2 miles to the station, and at 1/2 past 11 started for Waterloo Bridge, London, distance 80 miles. We passed Queen Victoria about 12 a.m. Arrived at Waterloo at 1/2 past 2 p.m. Took a cab to Gerven Street. . . . In the evening went to the Eagle Theatre, is 1 or 1 1/2 miles from Gervin Street (hearing that Brother Demlin took quite a shine to it, I observed it much). The building as it appeared to me, to judge without measuring, I should suppose the house an oblong is square 110 or 120 feet long, 45 feet wide. Outside the pit seats gradually raised one above another and cushioned and partition between each seat, 18 inches was allowed to each. There was one gallery only. The stage front was convex, the orchestra sat around it, their heads not coming as high as the stage. The building was lighted by gas. I do not feel to follow the house any further in my journal. After seeing some good plays, I and Brother K. returned to our lodgings.
5th. Arose, took breakfast, walked to Gervin Street, wrote a few lines to my family. Feeling so much fatigued by the constant exposure on me in travelling, I made a kind of wholesale letter to all. If I had omitted to write today it would have made my letter a month later in getting to the valley. Went to Limehouse, 4 miles, expect to stop here of a night while I remain in London.
6th. Arose early feeling refreshed, ate breakfast, walked to Stephney Station about one-half mile from here. We booked for Blackwall, some 2 1/2 miles and there took steamer for Greenwich College. . . . We first entered a hospital that contained many relics, models of ships, pictures, etc. . . . The most of the paintings here seem to portray great events, great men, Naval Employ, great heroes in the English Government, etc. After passing through the hospital we walked on the flagstones, say 150 feet and entered the chapel. . . . It had had a great deal of labor bestowed on it and I should say it was burdened, and in fact this is one of the faults of the English Architecture. . . . Back of this we came to the Greenwich Observatory, which stood on an elevation in the park full of trees. . . . I will not attempt to describe it but sum it up by saying that they have all the improvements that the world can boast of in astronomical instruments, etc. . . .
8th. Arose early went to Gervin Street and as soon as Brother K. was ready, we started for Fred K. Piercy’s to learn how the engraving of B. [Brigham] Young’s house got along, etc., but to our surprise we were coolly received, or we judged so, for as we knocked on the door a child came and said Mr. Piercy was not at home. We asked for the woman. She came to the door and we entered, but oh, the cold feelings. But after informing her of our business, we left, desiring that he should send me a line to Gervin Street. . . .
10th. . . . Booked for London and walked to the Spread Eagle where the omnibuses start from. . . .
11th. . . . I bathed today, it being Saturday. I think I shall be improved. . . .
15th. Arose and took breakfast and soon received a note from F. Piercy and a proof of the plate designed for President B. Young. Letters, etc. After perusing the affair, I wrote a note to F. Piercy wishing him to send me 2 copies of the plate on letter paper. I also sent him an order on William Budge for 10 and as his bill was 15, requested him to wait for the balance till he should hear from me. . . . 30th. . . . Took steamer for the Isle of Man. . . .
January 2nd, 1857. Went with Brother Marsden and 2 others to look at Castle Town, which is 10 miles. . . .
8th. Wrote a note to A. Ward stating I would be in London on the 20th April. . . .
22nd. I and Brother K. started for Swansea, Wales. Arrived at 5 p.m. Brother Daniels, the President, received us kindly. Distance today 200 miles. . . .
26th. Visited a copper and lead factory, I will speak more of it hereafter. . . .
27th. . . . Found 3 letters from my family and an extract from President B. Young calling on me to return. . . .
30th. Brother J. Kay Miller, Ashby and myself visited Cranshaw’s Iron Works; they employ 7,000 hands; he begins as a poor boy, but I should think the present property worth one million pounds. . . .
3lst. I and Brother K. left Merthyr by mail coach at half past 7 and came to Aberganemy. . . . Took cars for Liverpool and arrived at Rupert Street at 8 p.m. . . . We visited Heneford Cathedral as we passed through Heneford today. It was built in a masterly style of architecture.
February 6th. Bought a lot of paints and some brushes. . . .
10th, 11th. . . . Got some things to take home with me, a 6 shooter and belt and 100 rounds ammunition. I am almost ready. . . .
12th, 13th. During these 2 days I got all my things in order and at 12 o’clock went on board the Steam Packet in company with P. [Phineas] H. Young, J. A. Little and William Young and all our traps bound for Boston. . . .
March 1st. We are in the mouth of Boston Harbour. It snows and blows and is cold indeed and cloudy and may be termed mid-winter. . . .
8th. I attended meeting at a hall on Washington Street, Boston. In the forenoon I spoke to the Saints. At the close of the meeting I walked down and over to East Boston to 47 Sumner Street and visited Mr. Young. He married my wife Eliza’s sister. . . .
11th. I visited Brooklyn and saw Brother John Taylor. I told him I wanted to dispose of some Temple Plates. He purchased 100 at 50 dollars and at quarter past 4 p.m., I started for St. Louis. . . .
20th. Visiting the Saints; called on Brother I. M. Coombs. George A. Smith is with me. . . .
April 12th, Sunday. Got the privilege of going in the St. Louis Sugar Factory, so I in company with E. Moore, George A. Smith and two others, at 10:30 a.m., started for the factory. I shall merely say it seemed to me to be awkward and confused in its arrangements. . . .
13th, 14th, 15th, 16th. Still staying in St. Louis and do not know how I shall get from here yet. I have expended much by littles and it seems hard to me to go home and not take some goods, so I propose to lay out $60.00 and think I shall not be denied a chance for getting home; this is my faith. I shall have $90.00, whereas I need $200 or more. If I am prospered to take home safe such articles as I have bought, I shall get them at half price. May the Lord be with me is my sincere wish in all that I do. Amen.
30th. Got breakfast and took the bus for Independence and soon was there. . . .
May 1st. At about 11 a.m. the mail was loaded into the wagons and we started for Salt Lake. It consisted of 4 wagons, 4 mules to each, and some loose animals. . . .
May 4th–Got an early start, all went well, got to Richmond, Kansas at 2 p.m., a distance of 140 miles.
5th–Arrived at the Big Blue, Kansas, sun about 2 hours high, ferried 2 wagons and forded 2 others. Now sundown and we have not yet had one meal but we shall soon get grub.
7th–Arose early and got breakfast and then got to the Little Blue, bated the mules and took a bite ourselves. The distance is 16 miles, we kept on till 11 1/2 p.m. Travelled in all, 40 miles. I stood guard the remainder of the night. In the morning 2 mules were missing, leaving us on the campground. Search was made in every direction. P. S. Judson Stoddard related of being caught in a desperate snow storm above Kearney. He lost 6 mules by the cold and had hard work to save the remainder. This took place on the 30th of April, 1857.
8th–Quite late in the morning and the mules not found. Continued to search for them. Doctor Woodward found the track and followed them but they being determined not to be taken and in the affray he lost his own mule. So we are three mules out of pocket and the best animals we had. We stayed on the campground all day.
9th–Woodward has not returned to camp. We sent 2 men after him on 2 mules, at the same time started for the west. While our mules bait and we take a bite after traveling, say 16 miles, they all 3 returned. He was worn out. They found him in the road, he had fainted some 3 miles from camp. He reported that he followed the mules 40 miles or more, camped at 12 o’clock at night.
10th–Started early and came to Fort Kearney about 10 a.m.
14th–Reached the south fork of the Platte. It took us 10 hours to cross over, we then got breakfast and soon harnessed up and started for Ash Hollow and arrived half way down that ravine, we stopped for dinner or supper. We arrived at 6 p.m. Saw Indians today for the first time since we left Missouri. 2 mountaineers visited our camp, James Roberson and Jackson Wright, the latter says he saw a large gold chain on the neck of a Cheyenne Indian who said he had taken it from the whites. It was the chain taken from Colonel Babbitt. He offered to purchase it but could not at any price. We hitched up at dark and continued our march till 11.
16th–Our mules are quite tired, we only made some 25 miles today. In the evening the Captain thought it best to tarry during the night. We went to bed about 11 p.m. The mail from the Valley drove into our camp. I heard much good tidings from home from Dr. Clinton.
17th. This morning the doctor gave me a note from my family, all seem well.
19th–Harnessed up and came to the station on Horse Shoe Creek. Here we were relieved by fresh mules and at 3 p.m. we all started, adding to our crowd 3 persons, Porter Rockwell, being one. We came on at a rapid rate and stopped at dusk. I should have mentioned that the missionaries with handcarts were at the station. I let Brother Wordsworth have my rifle, he said they had but one gun in their camp.
21st–Harnessed up before daybreak and at 6 a.m. came 19 miles. Here we got grub, started again and came over the Platte Bridge, some 5 miles below the Old Pioneer Ford (upper ford). We find it very sandy. I walked several miles to spare the trains.
23rd–Breakfasted and started and came to 3 crossings of Sweetwater, crossed once and turned out to bait. I was so used up with fatigue that I went to sleep and did not eat, at 9 started and came through the other 2 crossings. Came to the Sweetwater and crossed it, and turned out our animals. They were most famished; from here to G.S.L. [Great Salt Lake] City, according to Clayton’s Guide, is 271 1/2 miles. We have come 55 1/2 miles during the last 24 hours.
25th–At sunrise, camped on Little Sandy. Here our distance from the Valley, per C. [Clayton’s] Guide, 204 1/2 miles.
27th–Rested well last night and found our animals at an early hour and crossed the Old Pioneer Ford and made our way to Fort Bridger. Arrived at 9 a.m., got our breakfast and a few fresh animals. We find this place much improved. It looks as though white folks lived here; this is more than I could say one year ago. They are walling in the fort, the foundation ditch is 2 1/2 feet wide and 2 deep.
29th–Came up Canyon Creek to near the old beaver dam, turned out, got breakfast, but the fatigue was so hard on me I did not eat. I laid down on the carriage seat and tried to rest, but dreams would torment me, such as animals trying to run over me, etc. One mule was missing, the rest of the teams all harnessed at last. Started, having found the mule. Porter says he shall not turn out again till we get into the city and we arrived in Great Salt Lake City at 1/2 past 4 p.m. Found all my family well and in good spirits. The distance from Independence to this place is 1200 miles, and it will be seen from this journal that we came in about 27 days. I have travelled some 16,579 1/2 miles since I left home on the 21st of April 1856, not much more than 13 months. [End of journal.]
[Following his return, the construction of the temple went ahead slowly. Twice the plan for the foundation was changed. It was not until 1870 that the walls began to rise above the ground. At the October conference in 1876, President Young urged the Saints to hasten the completion of the building. “Go to, now, with your might and means, and finish the temple in this city forthwith.” Hundreds volunteered their services, and then, in the midst of this activity President Young died in August 1877.
Truman O. Angell, the architect, now approaching his seventieth year, worked with President John Taylor as he had with President Young. The walls of the temple were pushed upward. By 1887 the stone work was completed, except for the towers; but fate did not permit the architect to live to see the finished building, Truman O. Angell died on October 16, 1887, at the age of 77. For more than thirty-five years he had toiled and labored on the great structure. It was said that he knew every stone in its walls. Of Truman O. Angell, Wendell Ashton has written: “As long as the Salt Lake Temple stands, there will be a magnificent monument to the patience, skill and dedication of its architect.”]