HC to ML: Typographical Facsimile — Howard Coray to Martha Jane Lewis, August 2, 1889.*

/ Histories / HC to ML: Typographical Facsimile — Howard Coray to Martha Jane Lewis, August 2, 1889.*

Howard Coray and Family

Photo Credit: Church History Library


Sanford, Conyas1 Co. Col.2

August 2, 1889

Dear daughter Martha.

Yours, bearing date June 2. /89 came duly to hand; and I would have answered you at once if I could have taken the time necessary to treat upon all your questions and queries in a manner satisfactorily to myself as well as profitable to you but I could not consistently do so; Howard’s time is about all occupied in looking after his saw mill– hauling lumber to fill contracts &c &c, consequently much labor and care has rested upon me– watering, hoping out the garden, and a large potatoe patch that has taken me 3 weeks — hard work; besides, taking Edna to Sanford to School in a Cart and bringing her home at night — (2 trips — making 11 miles each school day, and in addition to this, have to go every night from 2 to 3 miles, after the corns _ making my daily travel some 16 miles per day — So you see, between traveling, hoeing, and watering, I have been kept pretty busy. I have just got through hoeing, and Edna does not go to school to day, which affords me leisure sufficient to write to you;

Your 1st query is: do I think Mary will follow Clark out of the Church? No– I think not, ; but she is tried very sorely in her feelings — she is well versed in the scriptures, and has had many testimonies in regard to the truth of Mormonism– and being a very kind hearted3 good woman, the Lord will feel after her and not permit the Adversary to lead her to destruction. As I understand Clark’s affairs, he is in the right and has been badly used, in regard to his grist mill difficulty. but he is sadly wanting in some of the elements necessary to make a good Latter-day Saint, consequently the Lord, (as all will have to be tested and tried as gold in the furnice 7 times,) may have permitted trouble to come upon the family in this way.

If I understand the principles necessary for a man to possess in order to lead a woman to the Celestial Kingdom of God, O. C. Roberts will have to change materially from what he now is, before he will be able to take Mare there, or get there himself. The condition of Clark’s affairs is a sore trial to Mary— but we all have sore trials– Eppie has some trials, and I perceive you are tried not a little.

Now, concerning the Church’s having a policy that conflicts, or seems to, with revelation : I don’t know as I will be able to say anything that will be very satisfactory to you — I will, however, have to reason in my own way, hoping and trusting that what I may say will at least do no harm if it does no good. God says in the Book of D&C that he commands men to do certain things and they don’t step forward in obedience to His command, and then revokes the commandment. Ancient Israel was permitted to practice polygamy; but the Nephites were forbidden to do so on the ground that they, as well as Ancient4 Israel had caused their fair wives and daughters a great deal of sorrow &c., Now have not the Mormons been as unwise and cruel as they were? and was not a check necessary— something to bring them to their Senses? I think so.

You say “it is painful to see one’s landmarks being swept away.” Well, as for me, this is not the case. When I first joined the Church I commenced gathering up evidences in regard to the truth of this work, or Mormonism. The first that made a deep impression on my mind was the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. This was promised me before I was baptized by water. I soon went to Nauvoo– became acquainted with the Prophet– heard him preach and saw him conduct the April Conference of 1840. The power and wisdom that he displayed on this occasion was more evidence. I hear father Barnsby[?] speak in tongues and saw him & Jacob Foutz lay hands on a woman that had not been able to walk for 6 months and she was healed. The next morning after she was administered to she could walk as well as she ever could. Mother had been deaf for over 20 years before she joined the Church, and was immediately healed on coming into it. Now what do you know concerning our family’s being healed by the laying on of hands– yourself, don Mary &c &c. These gifts are to confirm those that believe– not make believers– I have studied the Gospel as revealed by Joseph Smith and wondered if it were possible for any one unaided5 by the spirit of God to have revealed such a system of salvation and exaltation for man. My conclusion is that in the negative. I sat and listened to his preaching at the stand in Nauvoo a great many times when I have been completely carried away with his indescribable eloquence,—power of expression– speaking as I have never heard any other man speak– I have heard him prophesy many things that have already come to pass,  I have seen him translate by the Seer’s stone. I have been  was present when he received a revelation on priesthood; he blessed me and prophesied that on my head, which has been literally fulfilled, and I have seen him by the aid of the Spirit of the Lord, as a prophet raised up to usher in the dispensation of the fullness of times; besides, this, the work and the workings of it, have been made manifest to me by the good spirit, Now, with these and more evidences of the truth of this work would it be wise for me to query in my mind as to the propriety of some of the transactions of those who are legally placed at the head to stead the Ark, as it were? I am satisfied that it would not be best for me. If the way and manner that polygamy is being handled looks a little queer, it is best to wait patiently for the outcome; and so in regard to clark’s case. Well, as for 91, I see no failure in it at present. The Savior might come and manifest Himself to but few.– In the Kirtland endowment He manifested Himself only to Joseph & Oliver, & it might be similar to that again.— Please write as often as convenient– Love to All, Your father Howard Coray6


*Howard Coray Holograph: CHL, MS 3047. At the time of this writing, Coray was living with his son in Sanford, Colorado, a Mormon colony established during the previous decade. Howard Coray was born May 6, 1817, Dansville, Steuben, New York, he died Jan 16, 1908, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Martha Jane Knowlton, Feb. 6, 1841 (b. June 3, 1822, Covington, Kenton, Kentucky, d. Dec. 14, 1881, Provo, Utah).

1 Conejos.

2 Sanford, Colorado is located about 20 miles north of the Colorado–New Mexico border roughly equidistant from the Colorado east and west state lines. The author’s wife Martha Jane had died in 1881. Howard had married a plural wife, Mary Ann Johnson in 1853, but the union ended in divorce a few years later.

3 End of L1r.

4 End of L2r.

5 End of L3r.

6 End of L4r.

12 Howard’s time] Coray’s son, Howard Knowlton Coray, b. April 10, 1848, Navuoo, Hancock, Illinois.

28 Mary will follow Clark] Mary Knowlton (Coray) Roberts, b. April 22, 1848, Winter Quarters, Douglas, Nebraska, d. May 19, 1923, Vernal, Uintah, Utah. Orville Clark Roberts, b. Sep. 1, 1833, Winchester, Scott, Illinois, d. Dec 12, 1912, Lamesa, San Diego, California.

50 Eppie ] Euphrina Serepa Coray, b. Feb. 4, 1850, Fort Kearny, Kearny, Nebraska, d. Dec. 8, 1923, Salt Lake City, Ut.

82 Jacob Foutz ] Probably b. Nov. 20, 1800, Washington, Franklin, Pennsylvania, d. Feb. 14, 1848, Salt Lake City, Utah.

90 Don ] Don Silas Rathbone Coray, B. Sep. 20, 1864, Tooele, Utah,

103 translate by the Seer’s stone] Most likely a reference to Book of Abraham. This would imply that JS may have translated in the 1840-41 time frame. The use of the stone in the endeavor is confirmed by Lucy Mack Smith to two traveling Quakers in 1846.

118 polygamy is being handled ] May refer to the increase in Federal anti-polygamy fervor and/or new Church restrictions on contracting plural marriages (they had more or less ceased in the U.S. at this point).

120 Well, as for 91 ] Probably a reference to JS’s statements regarding a December 1832 revelation – see D&C 130:14-17 for one instance, also see PJ addresses of February 14, 1835, April 2, 1843, April 6, 1843 and March 10, 1844 and notes there.

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