William Clayton Diary (1840-1842) Holograph, HBLL

/ Histories / William Clayton Diary (1840-1842) Holograph, HBLL

William Clayton

Photo Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

William Clayton

Photo Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


September 3, 1840 Since July 23rd we have been engaged in making preparations for America. On Tuesday the 18th of August we had our sale. I was writer. We had some difficulty in getting all our money in and especially some due from the Railway company damages we had after to go and did not get it until a few days before we started. The time had been appointed for us to be in Liverpool on the 27th of August but the time was prolonged until September 4th on account of some of the Saints not being ready. It happened well it was so for we had hardly time to settle up our business by the 4th of September. During this time I preached occasionally on the sabbath. The first three or four days after I came home I spent in writing Brother Kimball’s history which was lengthy. I have got a pair boots which cost 27/6. On this day we have been very busy packing up and have taken one load of boxes to the railway. The brethren have collected 7/ towards carrying me to Birmingham. The parting scene was affecting Elder Riley very much he gave me 2/6. Elder Brigham Young has been over from Manchester.

On Monday we went to Longton and returned same night. He returned to Manchester on Tuesday. I have spent one afternoon at Sister Morgan’s in company with Brother William Hardman. He made me a present of a handsome knife. Several have been baptized while I have been here and the work is in a prosperous state. The preaching will be held in future at Elder [..] Martins. John Melling was married to Mary Martin about two weeks ago. Some person on Saturday evening last threw two notes into Brother Whitehead’s shop one for himself and the other for me. They both contained the same matter, namely a request that we would preach from Ecclesiastes, Chapter 10, verse 1; signed, a lover of Mormons. I went over to Manchester and walked all the way and in the morning went to Liverpool. I returned home in the p.m. having learned that the ship which Brother Moon’s sailed in arrived in New York about the 18th of July.

On Wednesday the 19th I received a letter from Brother John Moon giving an account of their voyage. They were 41 days on the water including three days quarantine. They had three storms and considerable sickness but all arrived safe and in good spirits. I have endeavored to sell Brother John Moon’s Base Vial but without success. T. Pickering promised to buy it for the new church in Farrington but when I went to agree with him he declined taking it. I then went to William Bashale but he would not have anything to do with it. I was obliged to leave it with Brother John Melling for sale. I have received two letters from Brother Kimball of London and one from Sarah Crooks.

September 4, 1840 We arose early this a.m. and packed up our beds etc., and took the remainder of our goods to Preston. All the company then came together to our house about one o’clock from whence we started to the Farrington Railway station. Here an extra carriage had been left for us and we loaded ourselves a little after two and waited the arrival of the train. We were 26 in number including children. The train soon came up and our carriage being attached we started off in the presence of about a dozen Saints. We had a pleasant ride to Liverpool about five o’clock. When we got here I made a bargain with a carter to take our boxes etc., to Princess Dock for 1/12. When we got to the Dock another man professing to be the owner of the cart came and demanded 1/6 pr box. We had a hard contest. He threatened to fetch a policeman, etc. He then wanted 2/6. I told him that for his bad behavior I would not give him any thing more than the bargain. He refused to take it for sometime but at last he took it and went away in a rage. Several of the brethren who came had to pay extremely on account of hiring men and not making a bargain before they engaged them. I was aware of such things and therefore acted as stated above. We found Elder Turley and Young soon. All the company was confused and busy arranging their boxes. We slept in the ship this night or lay awake.

September 5, 1840 This a.m. I bought a pair of trousers having tore my others. I engaged the cart to fetch our other luggages and during the day we got them in some measure arranged. My mother-in-law, seeing the toil and trouble there was in these things, began to weep and wish me to go with them. She made her request known the Brother Young and Taylor who consented for me to go. I immediately started for railway to Manchester where I arrived about half past seven. When I got to Hardman’s I found Sarah and Rebecca just making preparations to leave that night. I saw there was something rather unpleasant between them and it almost broke my heart. Almost as soon as I arrived here I was taken sick on account of being so long without meat and over-exerting myself. I vomited much and felt very ill. I could eat nothing. I slept at Hardman’s that night.

September 6, 1840 This a.m. I was very sick and kept my bed till noon. Several of the Saints came to see me. Went to Perkins in the p.m. Was obliged to go to bed again and remained in bed until ten o’clock. A many of the Saints came to see me. Brother Grundy gave me 2/6. Sister Birch gave me some plumbs and 1/-. Some of them wept much at parting. Sarah Crooks has got some linen and cut it today for shirts. Arthur Smith has been today and bought cloth for my trousers and cut my clothes out.

September 7, 1840 Breakfast at Perkins. Sister Jane Hardman sent me a watch guard and four penny [-] box to remember her by. Brother Thomas Miller gave me a new hat. Left Perkins about eleven for railway. Was obliged to get a cab in St. Ann’s Square. Was a few minutes to late at the office. Went to Mr. Thompson’s where I took dinner. She gave me a glass of wine. Took first carriage at two. Arrived at Liverpool a little after three o’clock. When I arrived at the ship I found Elder Richards. He seemed to object to my going. This gave me some trouble; I was yet very poorly. At night preparations was made for sailing on the morrow. Ship North America captain Lowbar.

September 8, 1840 This a.m. about eight o’clock we was hauled out of dock and a steamer being attached we was tugged into the sea in the presence of many spectators. The company cheerful. Elders Young, Richards and Taylor went with us and returned by the steamer. About this time many began to be sick, myself amongst the number. 2 brothers was obliged to be put back on account of being over number. We was 201 men, women and children. One of those put back was Brother Heap from Preston. I had no knowledge of having to go yet until Saturday afternoon and I did not send any letters being so sick. Brother William Hardman promised to write for me and my brother David was at Liverpool. Soon after the steamer returned the mate came down and ordered all boxes fast as they expected a good rocking that night. It was even so. The wind blew hard the vessel rock and many were sick all night. This was a new scene. Such sickness, vomiting, groaning and bad smells. I never witnessed before and added to this the closeness of the births almost suffocated us for want of air.

September 9, 1840 This a.m. Elder Turley ordered all the company on deck to wash as the weather was a little more calm. We had a pleasant view of the North of Ireland as we sailed on that side. In the afternoon the wind increased and blew a gale until Saturday morning. I was in bed nearly all this time and very sick and so was many of the company. Elder Turley was sick a little. Brothers William and Robert and Nehemiah Greenhalgh, Sister Mary Moon and James Crompton was not sick. These were very kind in waiting upon those sick. During all this gale the whole of the company or nearly so was very ill and many confined to their beds. We were drifted back to the North and was four hours in one place and could not move. I have been told that we were in two whirlpools near to a rock and the captain expecting us to be dashed against it. We was in great danger but the Lord delivered us. On the Friday night a little girl belonging to a family in the second cabin was frightened by the storm and lost her reason. The company was composed but we were ignorant of our danger. Some of the rigging was blown away. See September 21.

September 12, 1840 The storm is somewhat abated and the company begin to brighten up a little. Myself remains very feeble.

September 13, 1840 The captain requested Elder Turley to preach this p.m. He read John, Chapter 1, and preached about three-quarters of an hour. This night the child which was frightened died or rather in the morning.

September 14, 1840 At the request of the Captain, Elder Turley read the burial service and the body of the child was committed to the deep. The weather continues favorable.

September 15, 1840 We have had another storm and many has been sick.

September 18, 1840 Friday [——] Some of the company continue very sick especially three of the children. Some have doubt concerning their recovery. Brother and Sister Holmes of Herefordshire have given up their one to die. Elder Turley’s mind is much grieved in consequence of these things. At night he called the Saints together in order to ascertain their feelings concerning the recovery of those sick. The sequel showed that there was some unbelief in our midst. He spake considerable on the subject and asked the brethren to state their feelings. One immediately said he believed Holmes’ child would not recover. I said I did not believe it was the will of God we should lose one soul. Elder Turley said to the same effect. The Saints then began to be more cheerful and the power of darkness was in some degree banished. We prayed with the children and desired all to hold them by faith. But after all our exertions Brother Holmes’ child died same night. This was a grief to our minds–but it was so.

September 19, 1840 Saturday. Early this a.m. the mate came and ordered the child to be sewed up which was soon done and it was immediately thrown overboard without any ceremony. After the place was cleaned out gas was burned to sweeten the ship and prevent disease. A head wind.

September 20, 1840 Sunday. We were not requested to preach today but Elder Turley called the Saints together in the p.m. and we broke bread to the company. Many seem much pleased with our meeting.

September 21, 1840 Monday. Good sail. At night Elder Turley spoke considerable on cleanliness and afterwards went round the births to see if all the company undressed. Some was found with their clothes on–and some had never pulled their clothes off since they came on deck but had done their dirt in their clothes. Others had dirt in the corner of their birth. This made the most awful smell, when discovered almost too much to bear. Elder Turley undressed and washed them and ordered the place cleaned out. Some of the company are filthy indeed.

Errata–See September 9th. On Thursday night during the gale when the sailors had close reefed all the sails except about four and were endeavoring to reef these there came a gust of wind and took away three of the sails one [on] main sail. On Friday night we lost another sail and some of the blocks.

September 22, 1840 Tuesday. This a.m. we had a calm. About eleven o’clock I heard the chief mate cry out all hands on deck, and buckets with water. It appears that some of the sisters was sitting near their births watching what they considered to be the reflections through a glass light until sparks of fire began to drop. They then cried out the ship is on fire. The mate heard and sang out as above. This caused considerable alarm and bustle for sometime. The sailors was speedily at work and water was poured on for sometime. It was soon discovered that there was not much danger. The fire originated in the galley or cooking house. The wood underneath the stove had caught fire by some means and burned through the deck. After the fire was put out the Captain ordered the stove removed and the place examined. It was cleaned out and repaired and some improvements made. Some of the Saints smelled fire last night and told the mate but he could not discover anything wrong. We look upon this circumstance as another attempt of the adversary to destroy us but the Lord kindly preserved us. Some of us had wished in the morning that the wind would blow but it was well we had a calm or the consequence might have been awful. As soon as the bustle subsided the wind began to blow and we were again on our way home. The Lord has been kind to us for which we feel thankful but not as much as we might.

Same night also we had the painful task of casting overboard Mormon, son of Paul and Jane Harris of [Herefordshire (crossed out)] branch. He was one of the three which has been sick for some days. He was thought to be dead some time before he was and preparation was made to bury him. He died about eight o’clock. Sister Jane Harris was very sick at the same time. There are several others also very sick. We attend to prayer every evening as well as our awkward circumstances will permit.

September 23, 1840 Wednesday. This a.m. the Captain called upon all the heads of families to give account of the number of Packages each one owned. He appeared vexed on account of some having so many boxes. Our family was one. We have reason to think that he is seeking some occasion against us from several expressions which dropped from his lips this a.m. We have had a little trouble on account of the peevish selfish actions of some of the second cabin passengers. We have some difficulty in keeping things quiet amongst us. Many things are lost and nobody finds them. Some are not Saints who profess to be. But considering our situation all things have passed off pretty well through the blessing of God.

September 26, 1840 Saturday. Today being our turn to attend the sick I took it in hand. But the smoke made me very ill. My head and limbs ached much. Sister Naylor and I have had a few words concerning our boxes. They have trespassed on our privileges a little. They are but one family and have two boxes out, we are two families and have but one. I desired them to move about four inches but they would not. She railed a little at me and used some hard words.

September 27, 1840 Sunday. Fair wind. One of the cabin passengers read prayers out of the church prayer book. They requested us to preach but Elder Turley was not willing and I did not feel at all fit for it and so it was neglected. We had no meeting. Some sick [-].

September 28, 1840 Monday. We have had a head wind but a good days sail. Myself very sick. The infant child belonging to Brother and Sister Corbridge of Thomly [Thornly ?] died this p.m. and was cast overboard. At night Brother Turley spake concerning some of the company having said he had a shilling a head for all the Saints and other such things. He shewed his bills and accounts to satisfy them and [offend] them for their hardness of heart and unbelief.

September 29, 1840 Tuesday. This a.m. we have a perfect calm. The captain and some of the cabin passengers have been swimming and afterwards took a short voyage in a small boat. The weather is extremely hot today almost to much for us to bear. Brother Samuel Bateman caught a young shark during the calm near a yard long. The infant child belonging to Brother and Sister Green of Manchester died this evening and was buried in the deep. We have spend this p.m. in arranging for payment of potatoes. The whole cost is about 20 [pounds] which amounts to 3/1 per head or adult persons. Elder Turley has from time to time spoken much concerning the sisters keeping themselves from the sailors. Sister Mary Ann Holmes from Herefordshire has made great freedom with them which has been a grief to us. This night Elizabeth Wilson, Elizabeth Lambert and Eliza Prince all from Manchester and Sister Crampton from Bolton was making very free with one of the mates and two of the cabin passengers. Brother Cope says they were drinking wine with them. Elder Turley sent Sister Poole to request them to come away but they returned very indifferent answers and said they could take care of themselves.

October 1, 1840 Thursday. The wind began to blow [-]. During the day we crossed the fishing banks. We saw about 20 fishing boats anchored on the banks while we were crossing the banks. We had a squall. The main top sail was torn from top to bottom and the vessel rolled much. Many were sick last night. The Captain and cabin passengers spent the night in dancing to the violin.

October 2, 1840 Friday. The wind good this a.m. sailing about 9 to 10 miles an hour. We discover that the crew are mad with us and we judge it is because we are unwilling that the sisters should be so familiar with the mates and sailors. There has been some unpleasant feelings manifested from those who were in company with the mate and cabin passengers the other night. Philip, the Captain’s brother-in-law is proved to be an enemy to us and tells tales to the mates. He seems very kind to our face but is to spy us. My little Margaret is very sick.

October 3, 1840 Saturday. This a.m. the mate says some of our company has been stealing water the last night. We don’t believe they have. We have reasons to believe they have not as we had a watch appointed to see that the sailors did not come down as they have done before in the dead of night. They saw no one but must have seen them if anyone had been at the water. We look upon it as another instance of Phillip’s madness and seeking to injure us. About this time Elizabeth Wilson was passing the sailor’s cabin and one of the sailors asked her to go down and have breakfast. She would not. He then asked if she would have a piece of meat. She said she had no objections and accordingly took it. It appears the steward saw her and went and told the Captain who immediately came down and demanded it from her. He also asked who gave it her. She said she did not know. On account of this the sailors are to have a pound a day less each and they are mad and swear vengeance on the steward when they get to land.

This afternoon Joseph Jackson entered into an argument with some of the second cabin passengers upon religious subjects. The Captain and some of the cabin passengers was listening. The Captain went to the side of the ship and called Jackson to him to ask if he had said that he would go and take the water by force. He acknowledged to saying that he believed it right to take it as many were suffering for want of water and also that he believed those children’s death was partly caused on account of being short of water. The Captain ordered him down and told him if he heard him say anything like it again he would bind him down in chains and feed him on bread and water. Jackson answered the Captain again that we were suffering for want of water. I rebuked him and got him to hold his peace. He said he would defend himself. The captain said he might preach his religion as much as he liked but say nothing more like that. He also said he would like to kill about a dozen of us. This myself heard. The Captain afterwards came to Elder Turley and asked if he understood the laws of mutiny. Elder Turley answered yes and the laws concerning water too. The Captain said “You must know we lost six barrels of water during the storm soon after we left Liverpool.” It seems the Captain thought brother was ignorant concerning the laws but when he saw to the contrary he softened down and changed colour. He said he would bind Jackson if he heard him use the same expressions. Yes, says Brother Turley, and I will help you.

It is more and more evident that Satan wants to destroy us or throw us into confusion. After dark the chief mate came to Elder Turley and said “some of your damn crew has up set the water tub.” It was found to be some of the Scotch people in the second cabin.

October 4, 1840 Sunday. This a.m. we have a good wind. Are sailing from 9 to 11 miles an hour. We have also our full allowance of water again. We have only had 1/2 quarts since September 20th. We had no meetings today only as usual at night. My mother-in-law is very poorly, also Elizabeth Ravenscroft.

October 5, 1840 Monday. We are not sailing much today. I feel myself very poorly. Mother-in-law and my wife yet very sick. Elder Turley and some of the cabin passengers along with the Captain have had a long argument this night concerning the ministration of the angel to Joseph. They treat it with disdain–especially the Captain.

October 6, 1840 Tuesday. This day Elder Turley went to prove to the cabin passengers the rationality of prophecy and administration of angels. They will not admit of reasonable evidence. They found themselves confounded. At night Elizabeth and William Poole spoke in tongues. He prophesied of the death of his child.

October 7, 1840 Wednesday. Early this a.m. William Poole’s child died and was committed to the deep. Some at Penwortham had said it would die before it got over the waters and Betsy had been troubled on this account. I wish they would not do so for Satan takes advantage of such things to discourage the minds of the Saints when surrounded by trouble and difficulty. This a.m. the chief mate saw Cape Cod on the American coast. The line was heaved and found 55 fathom. They tacked ship about eight o’clock to near South and then found 44 fathom. We were a few hours becalmed. About twelve o’clock we was much pleased to hear the mate speak to a ship’s Captain. The Condor of Halifax bore down to us and they spake to each other. She was from Jamaica 24 days homeward bound. My mother-in-law yet very poorly.

October 8, 1840 Thursday. Last evening being my turn for prayer I felt to ask the Lord for a fair wind and I rejoice to see he has answered my prayers. The wind is very favorable near 10 miles an hour. This is the third instance of the Lord answering my prayer for fair wind in a calm.

October 9, 1840 Friday. Fair days sail. The crew are very busily engaged cleaning the ship and making preparations for landing. At night the anchor chains was fastened to the anchor.

October 10, 1840 Saturday. About 8 a.m. land was discovered by the sailors from the fire mast and in about two hours we had a pleasant view of Long Island. About half-past eleven we spoke the Tuscany. New York–56 days from Gibraltar. About five o’clock the Pilot came on board. We saw the lighthouses on the Island.

October 11, 1840 Sunday. This morning early we cast anchor and a little after four o’clock I went on deck and found that we were between two Islands. We had a pleasant view of the Sailors Hospital and a many beautiful white houses and fine trees. ‘Twas indeed a pleasant sight. The Doctor came on board about eight o’clock and about the same time the child belonging to Brother Parry from Herefordshire died. All the rest passed the doctor without difficulty. The doctor ordered him to be sent ashore which was done in a small boat. Here I may say that we struck a sandbar last night and had it not been calm we might have gone to pieces. This was off Sandy Hook. After the boat returned the ship was turned land.

In a short time we was on our way for New York. Considering the wetness of the morning we had a very pleasant sight of the fowls and islands. After about an hours sail we arrived in New York exactly at a quarter before twelve. It was truly delightful to see the multitude of shipping in the Harbour. There is no docks here but a very good harbour. The buildings look elegant. When our vessel came to harbor she pressed against a small schooner and stove in her bulwarks and broke some rigging.

After the ship was made fast Elder Turley and me and Joseph Jackson left the ship and set our feet on land exactly at 10 minutes past 12 o’clock. This was another treat to us to set our feet on terra firma although the streets was dirty in consequence of rain. In taking a slight glance I must confess I was delighted to see the superior neatness and tastly state of the buildings many painted white others brick and some have the door steps painted yellow. We bought some large red apples for a cent each which was truly delicious. The streets are wide but not so well flagged and paved as in England.

The first house we entered was Brother Delong’s where we took dinner. From here we went to meeting at the Military Hall in the Bowery. The first thing that struck my attention was all the men and women I saw sitting cross legged and all the left leg over the right. Elder Adams preached on the principles of the gospel. After preaching we took bread and wine. We went to Elder Fosters and took tea with Brother Simmons after ten. Elder Turley went on business and I went to writing. We slept on board the ship. Many of the Saints went to meeting and was much pleased. We learn nothing of Brother Hardman nor the other two brethren who were turned back at Liverpool.

October 12, 1840 Monday. This p.m. a lighter came to the ships side into which we put our luggage. We slept on board the North America again.

October 13, 1840 Tuesday. Having finished loading our luggage those of the company who were present went on board a steamer (the Congress) and sailed to the Albany basin. We bid adieu to the North America at 12 o’clock. The Captain seemed very friendly and said he should wish to bring another company of us over. He inquired if we had a church in New York and where they meet. Elder Turley introduced him to Elder Foster. I gave Elder Adams 25 letters for England for which I paid 25 cents. The agreement which Elder Turley made with the proprietors of the Congress was that we should sail this day but they have broke their bargain and Elder Turley is much troubled. We slept on board the Congress. I feel struck to see the horses and carts even to see the light harness and small carts and light loads drawn by them. The drivers all ride. The fruit is quite delicious to English people. I slept in best cabin.

October 14, 1840 Wednesday. About nine o’clock this a.m. H.C. Greenhalgh died after being ill eight or nine days. The city coroner came and sat over by him. I was one of the jurors. Verdict–died from unknown cause. A coffin was provided and he was taken into the city to be buried. At five o’clock p.m. we had a very beautiful sight. Seven steam boats all left the harbour at once. It seemed as though the harbour was on a move. We left about 20 minutes after five. The company in good spirits. As we left New York we had a pleasant view of the North part of the city. The buildings chiefly white and very neat. The several spires towering towards the sky bore a majestic appearance. On one part there was a large lot of wood which we was told was provided for [poor] folks against winter.

We had not gone far before it began to grow dark and we could only discover by moonlight the lofty rocks on earth since the river which is Hudson River especially the west side which was indeed beautiful with here and there a beautiful white house scattered on the banks. Before we started from New York we learned that the Mary Kingsland was arrived in New York and that Brother Hardman and the other families was arrived. Some one went over to get them along with us but it found impossible. We left Brother Richard Tell at New York. He got work there and was likely to do well.

October 15, 1840 Thursday. This morning I arose to behold again the beautiful white houses and banks on the river’s side. We passed the village Cantskill which looked very beautiful and a little further we passed a village called Colonel Young’s village. He settled in this place and established a foundry and got a number of workmen along with him where they now have houses built which forms the village. As we proceeded we saw many fields of grain which was cut. We saw in one field a great number of pumpkins quite yellow and pretty. On one farm we saw about 140 cows and oxen and sheep in different places. After proceeding some time we passed the beautiful town of Hudson on the East side of the river. This seems to be a town of about ten thousand inhabitants. Still passing along we continued to be delighted with the houses and in some places we saw fruit on the trees. As we got higher up the river the land appeared to grow richer but yet very rocky. Close to the banks of the river about 14 miles from Albany we passed a coal wharf which is a scarce thing in this country. The fuel is almost all wood and this article is exceeding plentiful. About half past five we arrived at Albany.

We left a boat with a number of passengers here. This is a large town on the west side the river containing perhaps 40 thousand inhabitants. We could see the court house and prison and the different churches interspersed here and there. Here is also a pleasant harbour for a few shipping. The coast is almost covered with timber. We saw a large Iron foundry and workshops of different kinds. We soon left Albany and at seven o’clock arrived at the city of Troy where we now are stopped for the night. We also passed the City Athens a while before Albany.

October 16, 1840 Friday. This a.m. Elder Turley bought a sheep ready dressed for one and a half dollars. This was divided amongst some of the company. We got our luggage off the steamer by ten o’clock and soon after we were tugged to the canal. We were obliged to hire another boat into which some of us got with much difficulty. It is evident Mrs. Benbow wants one boat for their company and they have made choice of one with a best cabin. This has caused a little feeling. Elder Turley had again considerable trouble with the proprietor and had to pay more than he ought at last. About quarter to four we left West Troy.

October 17, 1840 Saturday. We are now passing through a very pleasant country. Many fruit trees loaded with fruit and loads scattered on the ground. I took up a large handkerchief full. There are a great quantity of pigs kept in this region. We have passed the upper aqueduct which is a stupendous work. Soon after this we arrived at the beautiful town of Schenectady seated close to the canal, or rather the canal passed through it. Here there is a railway. We buy our milk at the grocery shops for four cents a quart.

October 18, 1840 Sunday. We are now standing still as the owner of the boat is religious and will not allow it to run on Sundays. Some of our people went to washing as we had not had the privilege of washing since we left England. Last night William Greenhalghs family came into our boat. Not having room to sleep in the other ones. I and several others went to the top of a very large hill and George Foster and I went up the topmost tree from whence we had a pleasant view. As we returned we met Elder Turley and some of the sisters going up the hill to pray. We returned with them and united our hearts together.

October 19, 1840 Monday. We passed a town called the little Halls.

October 20, 1840 Tuesday. About two o’clock this a.m. we passed Utica in the midst of heavy rain. One of our horses fell into the canal and we was near being drowned. A horse belonging to another boat was drowned a little before. We passed the city of Rome.

October 21, 1840 Wednesday. Before sunrise this a.m. we passed Syracuse a place where a great quantity of salt is daily made. I got today a two dollar bill which I cannot pay also a coin for a quarter dollar which only pays for 17 cents. At night we passed a very pretty town called Montezuma. I have wrote a letter which I intend to send from Buffalo to brother John Moon. 10,000 bushels of salt per day.

October 22, 1840 Thursday. William Poole paid my two dollar bill loaning 12 and a half cents. We have passed the city of Palmyra and soon after viz about eleven o’clock Elder Turley and myself left the silver arrow and took packet for Tonnewonta fare, 4.12 each. About half past seven we landed at Rochester which appears to be a place of considerable business of different kind. Here we changed packets and in about 15 minutes started off again.

October 23, 1840 Friday. About eleven this a.m. we passed the town of Lockport. At this place there are five locks which raise the canal 60 feet. These locks as well as above from one to two miles of the canal westward is cut out of solid rock and present a stupendous appearance. The wind arose very high and in our place opposite the river from the lake drive us against the shore. Several were thrown down and somewhat frightened. As we passed along the side of the river we saw the large drifts of sand like mountainous drifts of snow. We arrived in Buffalo about six o’clock and soon met with some of the brethren from the first boat the J. D. Hawks. We went to her and found that three children had died since we left them. Sister Benbow manifested a bad spirit as she has often done and has given Elder Turley many slight cants. After this we went to meet the second boat Chatauqua which had been detained at the second bridge on account of the canal being high. In this boat all were pretty well but had been short of provisions. The first boat arrived here about nine this a.m. and the captain immediately ordered the company to get their luggage out of the boat which they did to great disadvantage into a warehouse. They had to pay five cents for this privilege.

October 24, 1840 Saturday. We got the luggage of two boats weighed and engaged to Chicago on board the Wisconsin [one word crossed out] at ten dollars each person. Some went on board same day. We waited at night on the other boat until two o’clock Sunday morning but did not come. Then I bought a pair of mittens for 5/6 York money. On this day Elder Turley’s mind was much cast down in consequence of being obliged to leave some of the poor in our company at Buffalo. While he was reflecting upon the best manner of accomplishing this and when almost heartbroke the president Elder of the stake at Kirtland, Kellog came by and Turley knew him. After they had saluted each other he made his case known to Elder Kellog who immediately advised to take the company to Kirtland as they would winter more comfortable there than in Commerce. This was total deliverance to Elder Turley’s mind and a relief of his burden.

The reason why some must be left here was a want of money. Elder Turley had been given to understand that we might go from Buffalo to Chicago for five dollars a head and had it been so all the company would no doubt have gone through. But when he inquired the fare it was found to be ten dollars a head instead of five and there was no privilege of altering it for there was only one boat appointed to go this season. The Wisconsin had lately come in and was not to go anymore, only short voyages. Elder Turley went to the captain and endeavored to charter the boat but to no purpose. After some time consulting between Elders Turley and Kellog it was concluded that all who wanted and could raise means should go to Commerce and the remainder to Kirtland which proved highly satisfactory to the majority of the company. The weather was at this time very cold as a large quantity of snow had fallen and whitened the streets. One boat load of the company went on board the Wisconsin expecting we should go on that boat. The other boat load having nowhere to go Mr. Propers partner kindly offered them the Counting House to sleep in which they gladly accepted and immediately went there.

October 25, 1840 Sunday. This a.m. Elder Turley and myself went to meet the Silver Arrow which we came in sight of after walking about three miles. When we went on board the saints rejoiced greatly. They had had some very ill treatment from the captain and crew since we left them and we found them with scarce room to stand. We arrived in Buffalo about 12 o’clock. I spent the remained of the day in making up accounts for those who were going to Kirtland. Whilst I was doing this Sister Elizabeth Poole’s son Edward fell into the canal and was near drowned when got out. This mother fainted and was very ill some time. This evening the Greenhalgh’s concluded either to go to Kirtland or stay at Buffalo which grieved me much.

October 26, 1840 Monday. The weather was very wet and cold. It was concluded that the Wisconsin Steamboat should not go. Consequently the company had to embark on board the Illinois captain Blake.

October 27, 1840 Tuesday. This a.m. the Boat should have left Buffalo but could not on account of storm. The Greenhalghs have took a house and two of them got work. I have bought a cap for twelve dollars and a pair of boots for four a rifle for 16 powder 71. We also bought saw and plane.

October 28, 1840 Wednesday. The weather continues stormy at night. We moved from amongst the shipping to the end of the Creek. The other bretheren [—].

October 29, 1840 Thursday. About one this a.m. we left Buffalo for Chicago. The names of those who are gone to Kirtland are Thomas Green and family, Josh West and family, Alice Whiss and family, M. Blake and wife, Josh Jackson and wife from Manchester, T. Featherston, Martha Shelmerdine and Jane Fyldes from Stockport, J. Crompton and wife from Bolton, Josh Hutchinson and family, John Craig and family, Ralph Thompson and family from Cumberland, George Slater and family from Penwortham, Samuel Bateman and family from Pendlebury, Thomas Hooper and family from Herefordshire, George Naylor and family from Bolton, Jane Harris from Manchester. These all had their names on a recommend except Thomas Hooper whose conduct has been very bad. This company generally appeared cheerful and rejoiced in the prospect of soon having a place of rest. Some was inclined almost to wish they had not left England rather than be left short of Commerce. We proceeded on our way pretty well until we arrived at Fairport partly to take in wood and part on account of strong wind. Here some of us went on shore and had we time Elder Turley and myself would have gone to Kirtland as we were then only eleven miles from that place. Sometime in the night we started forwards again.

October 30, 1840 Friday. We had a place sail at night we anchored at the mouth of the river between lakes Erie and Huron.

October 31, 1840 Saturday. This a.m. about seven o’clock we arrived at Detroit. This is a very pleasant looking place of about 20,000 inhabitants. Here we took in some more passengers which crowded us up very much. We left Detroit after taking in wood and proceeded up lake St. Clair where we saw many hundreds wild ducks. Some amused themselves by shooting at them with their rifles.

November 1, 1840 Sunday. We are on Lake Huron in the p.m. we called at Pesuq Isle to take in wood. Here I picked us some curious pebble stones. The lake is bounded by gravel of the whitest and hardest kind. At night we arrived at Mackinau where we again took in wood.

November 2, 1840 Monday. We are on Lake Michigan and for some time could not see land. We called at the Manitou Islands to take in wood. Here I took up some more pebbles. Some of the company shot a few rabbits and small birds. We continued here some hours on account of strong head wind.

November 4, 1840 Wednesday. About half past one this a.m. we arrived at Chicago. Very early in the morning we moved our luggage from the boat and Elder Turley went to seeking teams to go to Dixon’s ferry as that was considered to be the best route. We engaged two teams for our family but after loading both and weighing one we found it necessary to have another. I went back to where the boat landed and after a little time met with another. We got loaded about two o’clock and proceeded on our way. After leaving Chicago we entered a wide prairie which was to us a new scene. We traveled about twelve miles and rested for the night. We made our fire and cooked our victuals out of doors. We slept on the floors of the tavern. We had no beds–but some bedding.

November 7, 1840 Saturday. This day we arrived at Dixon after travelling about 100 miles. We saw a wolf on one prairie and many prairie hens. At one house we saw a wild cat which had been shot in the woods. It was as large as a common sized dog. We have several times had one of the teams fast in the sloughs. During this journey brothers Cope and Benbow went with their teams foremost and thus secured to themselves the best accommodations and provisions. We was obliged to submit to it and take what we could get. When our teems viz our 3 and Copes 14 and Benbows 2 and Walter Cran 1 arrived at Dixon the others being considerable behind we made inquiry as to the probability of boats going down the river. We was told that some boats had gone a week previous but it was not likely that any more would go this season. We then asked if there was any boat we could buy but of this we could get no satisfaction. We were advised to take our teams and go over to Fulton and there take steamboat. To this I objected on account of Turley not being arrived. S. Cope was disposed to go and would not unload his wagon. I engaged a house for the whole company at a dollar, 24 hours. We went to the house and unloaded our wagons myself being determined not to move until the others arrived. I paid the teamsmen 75 dollars for the three teams but desired them to wait till morning to see what course Elder Turley would pursue. It appears that at this place I offended Brother Cope from what he said afterwards.

In the building was three rooms one a small room which would scarce hold our folks. Into this we moved our boxes and laid down our bedding (no beds). During this time Mr. Copes brought some of their luggage in saying they would go in there for they had as much right as anyone else or something like this. But when they saw us lay our bedding down they took their things out apparently much grieved. But I would not submit to move out as we had submitted to the worst fare all the way from Chicago and I had took the house and considered myself at liberty to go into any part I [chose].

November 8, 1840 Sunday. This morning Walter Cran engaged his team and started for Fulton. Mr. Cope wanted to do likewise and asked my intentions. I told him I would not move any further until the remainder of the company arrived. He seemed a little vexed and would rather have gone on. In order to pacify him and others I started back with our teams to meet the others. We met them about seven miles from Dixon. I gave Turley a statement of things as I had found them and that I believed it was possible to go down Rock River. Brother Cope still desired to go by land to Fulton. I told him I had no disposition to go and leave the poor behind (as was evident we should have to do if we went that way). He then manifested anger and said he had not either, etc. We arrived back about two o’clock.

November 9, 1840 Monday. This day Elder Turley purchased a boat bottom for seventy-five dollars and engaged two men to fit it up ready for sailing.

November 13, 1840 Friday. During this week the boat has been got ready myself and many of the brethren assisted. We got our luggage on board to start but it being late and beginning to snow it was decided not to move until morning. While load- ing the boat Brother Cope and I had a few words again. I had fixed some our boxes in one corner of the boat and Cope brought his and was determined to have them fixed up to ours so that we could get no more of ours up to them. I told him what I had intended to do. He was vexed and said–“You nasty scamp I pay as much as you.” We had not many more words but seemed much vexed. I told him to use his pleasure and I would be satisfied.

November 14, 1840 Saturday. This a.m. Brother Cope declined going with us in the boat and would not pay his share according to his agreement. I paid down one half of the expenses and we got loaded and prepared to start. We left wood got at Dixon, and started about ten o’clock. We went about 12 miles and tarried overnight at Stirling. The weather was very cold.

November 20, 1840 Friday. This day we passed over the rapids. The greater part of us walked while the boat went over. It stuck fast once but was not damaged. Soon after this we entered the Mississippi River which caused us to rejoice much.

November 21, 1840 Saturday. This night we had to camp at a wood there being no houses near. We had some rain. Elder Turley and some others camped in the wood. He spake much to them and called upon those who had had quarrels to forgive each and manifest it. Many acknowledged their faults and asked f forgiveness. Some spake in tongues and William Poole interpreted. It was a time of rejoicing.

November 22, 1840 Sunday. We arrived at Burlington this evening and as we anticipated landing at Commerce on the morrow many of us washed ourselves and changed our cloths. Many of our family slept on a carpet on the floor.

November 23, 1840 Monday. In the a.m. Elder Turley and myself had some unpleasant words in consequence of his taking the boat round some islands which appeared to me and others to be considerable out of our course. I spake to him about it but he would not listen. I then turned my conversation to C. Price. Elder Turley then said if I did not cease to agitate the minds of the company he would put to shore and leave the boat. This was said in an unpleasant spirit.

In the p.m. we got the boat fast on a tree and lost considerable time. After Elder Turley had tried his own way to move the boat a long time but in vain I begged of him to let me have my plan. After much request he partially consented and finding it likely to answer he yielded to my plan and the boat was soon loosed. We sailed until after dusk almost determined to go to Commerce that night. But seeing a light on shore we made towards it and hearing a man we asked how far we were from Commerce. He said nine miles. At which report we concluded to stay for the night.

November 24, 1840 Tuesday. This a.m. Elder Turley having been in company with a man from Commerce said that if any choose to walk that man would conduct them at which William Poole myself and several others went along with him by land to Commerce where we arrived at about 12 o’clock. We called at the upper stone house and found Sister Garner from Manchester. They had arrived about one week previous having been six months on their way. We then went to Sister Hyrum Clarks and on our way called at Francis Moon’s. After we had been here a little while we perceived Elder Turley and some others coming. Knowing then that the boat had arrived we returned to the boat and after taking a little dinner we proceeded according to the appointment of Committee to move our luggage to a new house on the banks of the Mississippi River. Thus ended a journey of over 5000 miles having been exactly 11 weeks and about 10 hours between leaving Liverpool and arriving at our journeys end. We had been much exposed to cold weather and suffered many deprivations and disconveniences yet through the mercy of God we landed safe and in good health with the exception of two persons one of whom died soon after landing. We were pleased to find ourselves once more at home and felt to praise God for His goodness. We did not get all our luggage unloaded that night and having no fire we concluded to take the invitation of Brother Henry Moore and stay overnight at his house. He kindly gave us our breakfast the following morning. We slept on the floor.

On the morning of the 25th we proceeded to unload the remainder of our luggage. Brother Thompson lent us a small stove. The house being small for 14 of us viz William Poole and family, Richard Jenkinson and wife, Mary Ware and my father-in-law’s family and my family; we was some crowded but we were pretty comfortable.

We made our bed on hay on the floor and was obliged to move them every morning for the room. After a few weeks we made our beds upstairs and fill them with oak leaves. In a few days after we arrived at Nauvoo Elder Hyrum Smith came for me to go on board the Steam Boat Nauvoo. I spent one day on it and it was then concluded not to sail her any more this season. We remained at this house seven weeks during which time we made inquiry concerning some land and after much consultation I went to Hyrum Smith for council. He said he had some land to sell in Iowa Territory for three dollars an acre and he counseled us to go. We finally concluded to move over the river into the Territory. The Saints frequently told us that the devil was over the river but this did not hinder us from going. I agreed with William Smith for 185 acres of land and was to pay for it out of my wages on the Steam Boat which he ensured to [-]. I was to give him one half of my wages until it was paid up. We also bought a wagon of him for $60, paying half down the rest with the land. We bought a yoke of oxen and chain for $55 and three hogs for $8 of Mr. Thomas Grover.

We did not attend many meeting while on this side the river. We heard Joseph speak twice and Sidney Rigdon once. We attended singing meetings frequently and often had to sing “Gentle Gale” for Joseph and others. On January 12th, 1841 we began to move our luggage over the river on the ice which occupied four days in the whole. I had previously taken a house a little from Montrose at 18 pr month. This house smoked very bad and we had oftentimes to be without fire and cook out of doors. We found things in some measure as was told viz the Saints to be in a very bad state and having no meetings, full of envy, strife and contention and in a very bad state. Soon after we arrived here the weather began to be extremely cold and having no wood for fire it seemed as though we must be froze to death. We were still 13 in number and all could not get to the fire.

When the weather moderated we went to cutting logs and hauling them for building also making rails. We got our house part raised by the 8th of March, William Poole assisting us. At this time William Poole moved over the river to seek employment and left us. We continued to labour preparing rails and house etc., until about the 16th of March when we seemed to be all at once put under a cloud of trouble. In the night I was taken sick and could not go to work for a few days. We had a hog we set much store on and was very desirous to keep him to breed from. On the 15th he got out of the pen and did not come home at night. On the morning of the 16th he came home cut which was a sad grief to us. (We afterwards learned partially that the person who cut the hog was Dr. Patten of the High Council–(all in parentheses is crossed out)). Not true.

On the same day about five o’clock while I was set doing a little something in the house a person called and said the new house was all on fire. I immediately sprang up and started off. Just as I got to the door I saw a wagon going that way and I got into it. Having 2/4 miles to go we was sometime before we arrived. When I got there I found the lady who lived at Bosier’s house had carried water from the house about a quarter of a mile and put the fire partly out. I soon put all the fire out and ascertained that the house had not sustained much damage but a large rope which cost $2.50 also a pair of bed cords was entirely burned to ashes which our circumstances was a considerable loss to us. We have during the winter had this chimney on fire three times. First on a cold day when William Poole killed his hog. He made too large a fire and the chimney was turned on.

March 19, 20, 1841 I commenced planting seed for the first time in this land. On the latter day while I was busy in the garden a person named William Miller (who said he had a claim upon the land we bought from Hyrum Smith) came up and with him a constable and another man. The constable drew from his pocket book a paper and read it to me which was a notice to quit the land signed William Miller. I felt some astonished at this but not many words passed between us. Miller said he had been to Brother Ripley who was somewhat saucy and told him he must fight it out and that was the way he intended to do it. A few days after I took the notice paper over the river to Sister Smith who advised me to take no notice of it but to proceed with our business, I however felt it would be wisdom to wait a while as we expected Hyrum at home in a few weeks.

March 24, 1841 Wednesday. This night the constable brought me a summons to appear before Justice Spain to answer to William Miller for trespass on his premises.

March 26, 1841 Friday. I went over the river to see Brother Ripley and ask his council. I called at the store and made Joseph acquainted with the circumstance who ordered Brother Thompson to write a few lines to Bishop Ripley in his name requesting him to take the matter into his own hands and appear with me before the justice. I saw Brother Ripley who said I need trouble myself no further he would see to it. I would here state that during the past few months I have had much trouble concerning the boat which was made at Dixonville. I have repeatedly endeavored to see Mr. Benbow who owns one half of it and settle with him but have yet been disappointed. He has been for council to Brother Law and has divided the boat and taken away his share. Soon as I learned this I also went to Brother Law for council who advised me to get two men to value the portion of the boat which fell to us and then charge the whole company with the whole of the deficiency.

This I immediately attended to and made out bills for all our own family taking an equal share of the loss. Some of the accounts I took in and the first man who complained was John Blezard. He did not believe it was a just debt and did not intend to pay except others did etc. His conduct since has fully proved that he does not intend to pay for he has been insolent both to myself and Lydia and her mother who have been to ask repeatedly for the money. But hitherto we can get no satisfaction whether he will pay or no.

March 28, 1841 Sunday. This day we met at Montrose. Uncle John Smith presided. He called upon all who had hardness and who had transgressed to confess and repent. He stated that about twelve months ago he had appointed them a person to take charge of the meeting and administer the sacrament which he had only attended to once since that time. After many had confessed he called upon myself and Borther Nickerson to break bread and administer which was done and we hope it will be continued faithfully hereafter.

March 30, 1841 Tuesday. This day I made a contract for a cow with Abner Tibbetts for twenty dollars value to be cut out in cord wood at 75 cents per cord. She calved on the morning after and seems to answer pretty well.

April 2, 1841 Brother Nickerson settled with William Miller for his claim on the land and we can now pursue our improvements.

April 6, 7, 8, 9, 1841 These four days I attended conference. On the 7th I was organized with the High Priest quorum and set with them during the conference. I was much pleased with the order of the meeting. When any case was to appear before the church it was first put by the bishop to the quorum of the Lesser Priesthood. Then by the president of the elders to that quorum–then the Seventy then High Priests–then High Council and lastly to the presidency. If any objection arose it had to be tried by that quorum who objected but a majority of the quorums decided the matter.

The names of the official characters are as follows–Joseph Smith first president, Sidney Rigdon and William Law counselors. Brother Law was appointed counselor at this conference in the stead of Hyrum Smith, who was appointed a Prophet, Seer and Revelator according to a revelation given January 19, 1841. Brother Law was objected to by our quorum but honorably elected after investigation on account of the ill health of Sidney Rigdon. John C. Bennett was appointed in his stead until Brother Rigdon’s health improved. Names of the Twelve or traveling High Council; Brigham Young, Heber Chase Kimball, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, Orson Hyde, William Smith, John Taylor, John E. Page, Wilford Woodruff, Willard Richards, George Albert Smith and Lyman Wight was appointed in the room of D. W. Patten deceased.

Standing High Council–Samuel Bent, Henry G. Sherwood, George W. Harris, Thomas Grover, Newel Knight, Lewis D. Wilson, Aaron Johnson, David Fullmer, Alpheus Cutler, William Huntingdon Senior, William Alread, Leanord Sowby was appointed this conference.

Presidents of the High Priest quorum–Don C. Smith, counselors, Noah Packard, Amasa Lyman. President of Elders quorum–John A. Hicks, counselors Samuel Williams, Jesse Baker. Quorum of Seventies–Joseph Young, Isaiah Butterfield, Daniel Miles, Henry Heremond, Zerah Pulsipher, Levi Hancock and James Foster. Lesser Preisthood Priests–Samuel Rolphe, Stephen Markam. Hezekiah Peck counselors. Teachers–Elisha Everett, James W. Huntsman, James Hendrick. Deacons–Phineas R. Bird, David Wood, William W. Lane, Bishopric–Vincent Knights, counselors Samuel H. Smith and Shadrach Roundy. Newel K. Whitney, counselors Jonathan H. Hale, William Felshaw. George Miller, counselors Peter Haws and John Snider. Isaac Higbee, counselors Graham Coultrin and John S. Higbee. Alanson Ripley had his Bishopric taken from him for frequently being drunk and not fit for business. President of the stake William Marks, counselors Austin Coles and Charles C. Rich.

April 6, 1841 The Nauvoo Legion: was drawn up to exercise and afterwards proceeded to the temple ground to lay the corner stones. The first Presidency proceeded to lay the South East corner stone. (The High Council laid the South West corner in the name of the travelling High Council. The President of High Priest Quorum the North West and the Bishops the North East. See Times and Seasons April 15). Before the ceremony of laying the corner stones President Rigdon delivered an address for the occasion in his usual powerful manner.

April 8, 1841 Thursday. President [Sidney] Rigdon delivered a discourse on baptism for the dead, showing the propriety and absolute necessity of such an ordinance. After preaching a many were baptized for their dead relatives and many for the remission of sins. At this conference a revelation was read (given January 19, 1841) containing instructions to build the temple and a boarding house called the Nauvoo house [Nauvoo Temple] and many other important items. A short revelation was also read concerning the Saints in Iowa. The question had been asked what is the will of the Lord concerning the Saints in Iowa. It read to the following effect–

Verily thus saith the Lord, let all those my Saints who are assaying to do my will gather themselves together upon the land opposite to Nauvoo and build a city unto my name let the name of Zarahemla be named upon it. And all who come from the East and West and North and South who have desires let them settle in Zarahemla that they may be prepared for that which is in store for a time to come, etc. Brother Joseph, when speaking to one of the brethren on this subject, says you have Haun’s Mill for a sample. Many of the brethren immediately made preparations for moving in here but on account of its being so late in the season President John Smith advised to get through with planting and then proceed to move in.

April 16, 1841 Alice Moon’s family arrived from Pittsburgh State of Pennsylvania.

April 25, 1841 Brother Clark arrived with a company of Saints amongst whom was my sister Alice.

May 1, 1841 We finished cutting the 26 cord of wood for corn. Same day Brewett’s company arrived amongst whom was Seth Cook and family.

May 2, 1841 Elders William Law and Hyrum Smith preached at Zarahemla. On the 6th my wife was taken poorly about four o’clock a.m. Her mother was on the other side the river. As soon as it was light she wanted me to go and fetch her. I went and got Brother Davis’ skiff and went across as hard as I could and was about two hours away. When she got back she was delivered of a daughter who are both doing very well. She got up on the 8th and continued to mend without interruption. The child is named [Henrietta] Lucretia Patten Clayton.

May 9, 1841 Joseph preached on his side on baptism for the dead (see Record.) Afterwards a number was baptized both for remission of sins and for the dead. I was baptized first for myself and then for my Grandfather Thomas and Grandmother Ellen Clayton, Grandmother Mary Chritebly and Aunt Elizabeth Beurdwood.

April 24, 1841 I was requested to attend meeting of the High Council at President John Smith’s. I was appointed one of the number in the place of Erastus Snow who is gone preaching. At this council Willard Snow was appointed to get up a company of independent Rifle men. I have joined this company.

May 16, 1841 I went over the river to hear Joseph [speak on] Election and Eternal Judgment (see Record).

June 30, 1841 We have continued to labour very hard in splitting rails up to the present time. The weather now begins to be very hot almost more than we can bear. We are yet very far short of completing the fence and in danger of having the corn spoiled by cattle every day.

July 1, 1841 Early in the morning I was taken very sick with vomiting and purging which held me five or six hours very severely. I could not go to work. I felt a little better on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday I went over the river and saw Brother Kimball and went with him to Sister Yratt’s where we took a little dinner.

July 5, 1841 I attended the celebration of American liberty at Zarahemla. We was called to drill at eight in the morning and continued until about four o’clock at which time the company went to dinner which was set out in a field on account of so many being present. The provisions was done before all had had dinner. I was sure without and felt bad for want of meat.

August 14, 1841 Alice Moon died.

August 17, 1841 Up to the present time I have been very sick after the 5th. As stated above I went to work on the 6th but was not able to do much. On the 7th I was seized with the bilious fever and after a few days suffering took an Emetic which gave me relief. Soon as I began to amend I was seized with the ague and fever and shook every day. After about ten days shaking I was advised by Dr. Rogers to take some pills. I objected but Sister Taylor had bought some Quinine and I finally for her sake concluded to take it. These pills broke the ague for about ten days during which time I had another attack of the bilious fever and took an Emetic which gave relief. After about ten days relief from the ague I was seized with it again and had it every day for about two weeks. At this time we were near all sick and had been except Lydia and on this day Thomas Moon died a quarter before 11 a.m. after about two weeks sickness.

On this day also the brethren went to haul rails and put up the fence around our field but did not complete it on account of being short of rails. Soon after there were many cattle in the field especially Mr. Copes sometimes to the number of 35 in one day. The brethren again went to haul more rails and complete the fence but did not make it secure consequently cattle continually were eating up the corn until they destroyed the whole both the corn and fodder. On the 19th Dr. Culbertson came and said he would cure us of the ague and charge nothing for his trouble. Accordingly five of us took each a dose of Calomel and Caster Oil. Afterwards one teaspoon full of bitters every hour for eight hours. This broke our ague for sometime.

On the 20th our infant child Henrietta Lucretia Patten Clayton died after being sick and having chills some time. During the last two days she suffered much at times and especially in the last hour of her life. When dead she was as pretty as I ever saw in my life. She died about ten minutes after 3 p.m. This was a grief to us but we, afterwards, saw the hand of God in it and saw it was best to be so during this time.

August 8, 1841 President John Smith and several other brethren came and for the first time during our sickness we received the sacrament. Afterwards President Smith asked particularly concerning our circumstances and being pressed I told him that had not a privilege of having many things which we greatly needed. After this the church helped us considerable. Being advised by Brother Kimball to buy two city lots and move into the city of Zarahemla (according to a previous revelation) on the 30th I went over to President John Smith’s and bought two.

September 11, 1841 Lydia Moon Senior was taken suddenly ill and remained very sick three or four weeks. On the 18th Richard Jenkinson died apparently suffering much. About this time we suffered severely on account of having no fire in the house. The chimney was blown down in March and was not built up again until George A. Smith one of the twelve and Brother Montague came on the 29th with a load of wood and afterwards built up the chimney for which we felt thankful. The weather was wet and having no fire in the house our clothing were damp and we took cold. Consequently on the 21st I began to shake everyday again. On the 28th Brother Tanner brought us some beef. October 6th Ellen Jenkinson died. She was never baptized nor believed in this work while she lived.

We had about one acre of potatoes planted and the time now came that they should be dug. We sent over to William Pool [Poole] to come and help us also to Edd Whittbe. They both promised to come but were sick at the time. They did not come after they got better. Seeing this and after waiting until the frost had destroyed about one half I began to dig them myself. I dug in the morning until the ague came on and afterwards as long as I could bear. I was soon reduced so that I was not able to dig any longer and then my wife and her sister Lydia dug the remainder and gathered about 12 acres of corn which we had on the farm we rented.

About the middle of November I came over to Nauvoo and there Brother Kimball counseled us to move over the river into Nauvoo which we did on the 14th of December. We were still sick and occasionally shaking. We moved into a very bad house and suffered much from cold. We remained here six weeks and then moved to where we are now living viz lot south of the burying ground. During the six weeks above mentioned I proved that William Pool [Poole] (who had always professed to be my friend) had been striving to cause a separation in the family viz to cause mother Moon to turn me out of doors and in order to accomplish this he had told Margaret many reports one of which was that I was the sole cause of her father’s death.

February 10, 1842 Brother Kimball came in the morning to say that I must go to Joseph Smith’s office and assist Brother Richards. I accordingly got ready and went to the office and commenced entering tithing for the [Nauvoo] Temple. I was still shaking with the ague every day but it did not much disable me for work.

February 12, 1842 Saturday. I was able to continue writing all day although I had the ague but not severe.

February 13, 1842 Sunday. We had a singing meeting at Brother Farrs. Brother and Sister Kimball was present.

February 17, 1842 Thursday. I dined at Sister Hydes with Brother Joseph Smith, Heber Kimball, Wilford Woodruff, Brigham Young and Willard Richards. At night saw W. and S.

February 18, 1842 Friday. Pained with toothache all day–heard Joseph read a great portion of his history.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents