Come, Follow Me 2025

13 Episodes

Welcome to Church History Matters Come, Follow Me Edition, where we are systematically diving into every section of the Doctrine and Covenants throughout the year 2025.

Art Credit: Image created by Scripture Central


Episode 1

The Restoration - Intro to the Doctrine & Covenants

Welcome to Church History Matters, Come Follow Me edition! If you’ve followed the Church History Matters Podcast since it launched in 2023, you’ll be excited to join Scott Woodward and Casey Griffiths in studying Come Follow Me this year. Scott and Casey are going to focus their Come, Follow Me study on the Context, Content, Controversies, and Consequences of each section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Today, they cover the Restoration Proclamation and introduce ,,,

68 Min

Episode 2

The Lord's Preface - Doctrine & Covenants 1

In this episode Scott and Casey delve into Doctrine and Covenants 1. This section is placed chronologically out of time, but serves as an introduction to the entire volume of scripture. Once again, they focus on the four C’s: Context, Content, Controversies, and Consequences. According to D&C 1, The Doctrine and Covenants serves as a manual for understanding God’s work and establishing His covenant with His people. They go over the controversy around the phrase “the only true and living church.” Some view this rhetoric as exclusive, so Scott and Casey explore its likely intended meaning.

63 Min

Episode 3

The First Vision - Joseph Smith—History 1:1-26

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Joseph Smith—History 1:1-26, which covers Joseph Smith’s First Vision, and offer their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of this important history.

93 Min

Episode 4

The Smith Family - Voices of the Restoration

In this episode Scott and Casey interview Smith family expert Kyle Walker to do a deep dive into Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack’s family as part of the Voices of the Restoration Bonus material for the Come Follow Me content for January 13-19.

75 Min

Episode 5

The Second Vision - Doctrine & Covenants 2; Joseph Smith—History 1:27-65

In this episode Casey and guest-host Maclane Heward cover Doctrine and Covenants 2 and Joseph Smith—History 1:27-65, which covers the visitation of the angel Moroni, and offer their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of this important history.

97 Min

Episode 6

God is Merciful - Doctrine and Covenants 3-5

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Doctrine and Covenants 3, 4, and 5 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

72 Min

Episode 7

Oliver & Revelation - Doctrine & Covenants 6-9

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Doctrine and Covenants 6-9 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

73 Min

Episode 8

The Miraculous Book of Mormon Translation - Voices of the Restoration

In this episode Scott and Casey interview John W. Welch about the miraculous translation of the Book of Mormon in this bonus “Voices of the Restoration” episode.

79 Min

Episode 9

God Playing Chess, Satan Playing Checkers - Doctrine & Covenants 10-11

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Doctrine and Covenants 10-11 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

68 Min

Episode 10

Collaborating with Angels - Doctrine & Covenants 12-17; Joseph Smith—History 1:66-75

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Doctrine and Covenants 12-17 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

103 Min

Episode 11

The Intractable Witnesses of the Book of Mormon - Voices of the Restoration

In this episode Scott and Casey interview Daniel C. Petersen about the Book of Mormon Witnesses in this bonus “Voices of the Restoration” episode.

42 Min

Episode 12

What a Soul Is Worth - Doctrine & Covenants 18

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Doctrine and Covenants 18 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

71 Min

Episode 13

Sacrificing for Others' Salvation is HARD - Doctrine & Covenants 19

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Doctrine and Covenants 18 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

47 Min

Episode 14

Our History & Doctrine Are Inseparable - Doctrine & Covenants 20-22

In this episode Scott and guest host Anthony Sweat cover Doctrine and Covenants 20-22 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

82 Min

Episode 15

Emma Smith: Elect & Complicated - Voices of the Restoration

In this episode Scott and Casey cover Doctrine and Covenants 23-26 while offering their insights into the context, content, controversies, and consequences of these important sections.

93 Min